What Is The Purpose of A Persuasive Essay โ€“ Why Is It The Teacherโ€™s Favorite Assignment?

What Is The Purpose of A Persuasive Essay

Have you ever thought about why you are asked to write a persuasive essay? Maybe you are one of those who believe that your teacher loves to throw challenging assignments at you. All in all, you could be wrong about figuring out the primary purpose of writing a persuasive essay. Don’t worry, as you are in the right spot to know what you need to clear out your mind on the purpose of writing one. That being said, ensure you give this exciting write-up a thorough read before you type write my essay request in the Google search bar.

What is The Purpose of a Persuasive Essay โ€“ Why Your Teacher Asks You to Write One 

what is purpose of a persausive essay?

The purpose of a persuasive essay is making a reader accept your opinion about a subject or a situation. In a persuasive essay or persuasive writing, a writer must try to convince readers to adopt the same viewpoint. For that purpose, he needs credible evidence and facts to support his argument presented in the thesis statement. An excellent persuasive essay also ensures that the reader agrees with the writer’s position. Primarily, it is written as:

  • To change someone else’s opinion or behavior (for example, by convincing them that you have a better idea than the other people)

  • To change their attitude toward something (for example, you could write about how pollution affects animals)

Body Paragraphs must include all the supporting evidence, statistics, research papers, and figures that help further strengthen the main argument. A standard persuasive essay outline and basic structure should be followed to make the essay appear professional and also to eliminate the confusions and ambiguity.

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Body paragraphs are the main body of your essay and all the information you put in them will help build your essay conclusion. Here is what you can in essay body:

Previous research paper results: to strengthen your argument, add key findings and primary results of the previous studies on that topic. The mention of previous research will represent the significance of the topic in the field and what has already been discovered about it.

Statistics: Adding different statistics will help readers evaluate the information and development of your main argument. Statistics are mostly demographic, country, and industry specific, and they help see the change in patterns of that topic over a period of time.

Facts: There is no need to provide evidence when something is proven by the fact. Thatโ€™s why try to add some important undeniable facts about your topic in the essay body to make your argument valid.

Persuasive writing is a skill that needs to be polished with practice and argument development. To know more about the expert techniques and tricks on persuasive essays, do not miss the ultimate guide of persuasive essay to get started with your persuasive writing assignments.

A Writer Has to Assure That the Reader Agrees with His Position 

A persuasive essay reader is expected to accept the writer’s viewpoint in the paper. It is usually achieved through: 

  • Different sources: Analyzing information from primary and secondary sources (such as books, articles, or websites).

  • Experiences: Using ideas from previous assignments or personal anecdotes. It is also a nice spot for you to use the personal pronoun โ€˜Iโ€™ in a persuasive essay

  • Real-life Examples: Putting the stories of political campaigns or others, if applicable. Of course in the body paragraphs of persuasive or argumentative essays. 

  • Define the scope of your argument clearly: what is the writer arguing about? Are there other relevant issues that are worth exploring in addition? Also include an opposing argument and a reasoned opinion where possible.  

  • Using persuasive essay transition words properly in the context. These transition words help engage the readers by enhancing connectivity of the paragraphs and concepts discussed in the essay.

Digging Deep to Understand what is the purpose of a persuasive essay/persuasive writing 

readers in persausive essay

The word Persuade

To convince someone of something means “to make a belief” or “to persuade.” The key word here is “persuade,” which means it’s up to the person being persuaded. If there are no facts behind your argument, then there can’t be any persuasion. It should be considered when deciding how much time/effort should go into creating a compelling piece of work!

Arguments and Facts 

The key secret of perfect essay writing is to go hand in hand with factual information and strong argument development. It leads readers to a conclusion they might not have initially considered. However, your facts are only part of what you need to have a successful persuasive essay. You also need to present a logical argument that supports your thesis statement and leads readers to a conclusion. 

Different from Other Types of Essays 

You should also know that a persuasive essay differs from an argumentative and descriptive narrative essay. Furthermore, it differs from an expository essay because it doesn’t necessarily provide information about something new or unfamiliar. 

You Have to Persuade, Not Push 

You need to be careful not to come across as pushy or overbearing when writing persuasive essays because there are specific rules that you have to follow for people to take you seriously:

Be brief: If a person has time constraints, they might not be willing to read long-form pieces like yours. Simply put, each paragraph must have one idea (or two at most). 

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Take Away

A persuasive essay or persuasive writing is one of the best ways to convince people to agree with your position. Remember that you are writing an argument, not just an essay. When thinking about what type of content may work well with a persuasive essay topic, consider including examples, statistics, and present facts about why something needs to be done this way. Have you understood the purpose of a persuasive essay? We hope you did!


It is a piece of writing that aims to convince the reader of something. The writer must provide evidence and arguments supporting their position, which they then use as building blocks for a conclusion.

A persuasive essay writing tries to convince the reader to agree with the writer's opinion on a subject. It differs from an argumentative essay, which offers evidence and reasons for an opinion, while a narrative essay tells a story that illustrates its point.

A persuasive essay differs from an expository essay because it doesn't necessarily provide information about something new or unfamiliar. It often has no specific topic at all but instead focuses entirely on communicating one specific idea to persuade readers into believing it as well.

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