How To Write An Essay Hook To Captivate Your Reader?

Writing an essay hook is the most difficult part of a college assignment, and many students fail to master it. Hooks can also be termed essay attention grabbers. They keep readers interested.

What is a Hook?

A hook statement is the very first sentence of a piece of writing or a paper and is hardly one sentence long. It is the first sentence of the introductory paragraph, and by reading this statement, the audience decides whether to keep reading.

Keep these questions in the loop while working on essay hooks:

  • What type of essay should you write a hook for?
  • Who is my audience?
  • What tone to use? What writing style to use?
  • What could be the best essay writing guide?

Expert Tacts on How to Write a Good Hook for an Essay

Here are some working tactics from the experts on how to write a hook statement.

Know Your Target Audience

Your target audience makes a big difference; knowing them is your cardinal duty. Each type of literary work has a different audience, which has different expectations from the writer and the write-up. So, knowing the target audience and their needs is necessary to implement a hook.

Know The Purpose Of Your Essay Writing

The third step is that a writer must understand the essay’s purpose. They should clearly understand their viewpoints, requirements, and essay structure for a good hook statement.

Without knowing the purpose of the writing, the writer will surely add an ambiguous statement. Hence, it is essential to have a good know-how of your essay and fit the hook according to your tone and writing style.

Begin With Quotation

A quotation is always attention-grabbing and interesting to read. Hence, a good number of quotations helps make an essay longer with words. Quotation helps things work as a fact because famous personalities are always experienced, and their words matter the most.

Begin With A Rhetorical Question

Using a rhetorical question at the very start provokes the audience and makes them want more, keeping them reading. So, a good hook can always start with an open-ended question like rhetorical essay writing. It helps the readers go through a thought process and binds them to read the essay until the end.

Begin With An Interesting Statement

Starting with an interesting fact or information is a good hook for essays. The step of writing an outstanding hook sentence is starting with an interesting statement. That might be an unusual phenomenon, thought-provoking statement, contradiction, or comparing the two unlikely things. In other words, when it is desired to interest the audience, state a short story in a few sentences or a humorous statement, etc.

As students, catching your reader’s eye right from the beginning is crucial.

A weak start can make readers lose interest and feel bored—and that’s not our goal! Great stories need engaging hooks to keep readers locked in.

That’s where we come in!

Creating a smart and unforgettable hook is key to avoiding a dull opening. With the right hooks, you can make a strong impression on even the toughest readers.

Come along as we check out various hooks, from thought-provoking questions to vivid scenes – let’s get started now!

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Question Hook Examples

If you’re having trouble writing a creative hook, starting with a question can be a great option.

Questions grab readers’ attention and make them ponder over what’s being asked. You can also go for a striking fact or statistic.

These methods instantly highlight the topic and encourage readers to keep going.

Let’s check out some examples:

  • “What if I told you that a single dream could change your entire way of living?”
  • “Who can inhabit a place where the past and the present intersect?”
  • “How would you respond if you had to choose between love and ambition?”
  • “Where does one draw the line between passion and obsession?”
  • “Can humanity survive in a world of conflicting values?”
  • “What if our dreams became reality?” – John Steinbeck
  • “How do you explain something that cannot be explained?”
  • “Is it possible to find true love in an imperfect world?”
  • “Do we control our destiny, or does fate have a hand in it?”
  • “How much can power corrupt us before we become monsters?”

Statistic Hook Examples

Numbers don’t lie; sometimes, they offer the most compelling way to make a point.

Here are some rephrased examples of statistic hooks to captivate your readers:

  • “Over half of adults in the United States are currently single. Did you know that?”
  • “More than 70% of high school students feel overwhelmed and stressed daily, according to recent studies.”
  • “The average household in the United States carries a debt of more than $90,000.”
  • “While more than 80% of Americans consider climate change a severe issue, are we doing enough to combat it?”
  • “Only 20% of Americans trust the government to do what is right most of the time, as per recent polls.”
  • “Social media usage has exploded in the past decade, boasting over 3 billion users worldwide.”
  • “In the U.S., women still make only 82 cents for every dollar men earn.”
  • “Annually, over 40% of the food produced in the United States goes to waste, even as millions experience hunger.”
  • “Recent research shows that over 90% of ocean plastic waste originates from just ten rivers in Asia and Africa.”
  • “Despite advancements in medical technology, the United States reports over 700 maternal deaths annually, one of the highest rates in the developed world.”

Metaphor / Simile Hook Examples

Metaphors and similes can make your writing more engaging and vivid. Here are ten simple and inspiring examples:

  • “Like a beacon in the night, [topic] highlights our deepest hopes and fears.”
  • “[Topic] is a Pandora’s box, full of complex emotions and ideas that make us question our assumptions.”
  • “Like a ship in rough waters, [topic] needs steady guidance and clear direction.”
  • “In many ways, [topic] is a mirror, showing the beauty and complexity of the human experience.”
  • “Like a puzzle with many pieces, [topic] invites us to connect different parts to find deeper truths.”
  • “[Topic] is a garden that needs care and nurturing to thrive.”
  • “Just like a painter uses colors and light, [topic] lets us create a vivid picture of the world.”
  • “In many ways, [topic] is a labyrinth, challenging us to analyze its winding paths and find hidden treasures.”
  • “Like a key that opens a door, [topic] brings us to new worlds of knowledge and understanding.”
  • “[Topic] is a journey, taking us through the highs and lows of the human experience.”

Hook Examples For Essay

A strong hook is essential for grabbing your reader’s attention and keeping them interested in your essay.

Check out these simple, engaging essay hooks:

  • “Technology has changed the way we live and interact.”
  • “Every generation faces challenges, and today’s youth is no exception.”
  • “We can learn valuable lessons from the mistakes made in history.”
  • “Society often labels things without truly understanding them.”
  • “Technology can be both helpful and harmful.”
  • “Education is crucial for success, and everyone should have access to it.”
  • “What would life be like without our modern conveniences?”
  • “We all have different views, but sometimes we must see the whole picture.”
  • “Things aren’t always what they seem; understanding the truth requires effort.”
  • “Life is a journey with many lessons along the way.”

Narrative Hook Examples

Here are some rewritten examples of narrative hooks for a narrative essay:

  1. “Late at night, I heard a noise outside my window that made my heart race…”
  2. “The moment I had dreamed about forever had finally arrived…”
  3. “When I opened that door, I was completely unprepared for what I found…”
  4. “A sudden chill in the air made me realize I was truly alone…”
  5. “After years apart, I found myself face to face with my old enemy…”
  6. “Following a dim light, I discovered a hidden room with a surprising secret…”
  7. “What started as an ordinary day turned into something completely unexpected by nightfall…”
  8. “Walking through the empty desert, the cold wind biting at me, I was searching for something beyond myself…”
  9. “Stepping into the ruins of the old castle, I could feel that I wasn’t alone…”
  10. “At the stroke of midnight, everything changed as if a new world had emerged…”

Feel free to use any of these hooks to engage your readers and set the stage for your narrative essay!

Argumentative Essay Hook Examples

Hooks are a great way to capture your readers’ attention in an argumentative essay.

Here are some examples of hooks for argumentative essays:

  1. “Every generation faces its unique hurdles, and the challenges of today’s youth are no less significant.”
  2. “History offers invaluable lessons, and we must heed its warnings to avoid repeating past mistakes.”
  3. “Snap judgments and misunderstandings often cloud societal views, preventing fair and informed opinions.”
  4. “While technology brings incredible advancements, it also poses significant risks—we must navigate this duality carefully.”
  5. “Access to quality education is a cornerstone of personal and professional success, yet it remains elusive for many.”
  6. “Imagine a world devoid of modern conveniences—how would our daily lives change?”
  7. “Our perspectives shape our views, but we must always weigh them against the collective well-being.”
  8. “Appearances can be deceiving; examining all facets of an issue is crucial before forming an opinion.”
  9. “Life is a continuous learning journey, and one lifetime is scarcely enough to absorb all its lessons.”

Feel free to use these hooks to captivate your readers and set a compelling stage for your argumentative essay!

College Essay Hook Examples

Creating a strong hook for an academic essay in college is important to capture your reader’s interest.

These college hook examples can help you craft this key element:

Take a look at some examples:

  1. “Life has taken me on many unexpected journeys, but I never imagined it would bring me here.”
  2. “My story is unconventional but uniquely mine, and I’m eager to make an impact.”
  3. “Reflecting on the pivotal decisions in my life, this one stands out as the most significant.”
  4. “I never realized the lessons I would learn from stepping out of my comfort zone and taking risks.”
  5. “Since I was four, I dreamed of becoming a doctor — and now, I’m on the verge of achieving that dream.”
  6. “I wasn’t always the top student, but I persevered, and now I’m ready to showcase my capabilities.”
  7. “Your future isn’t set in stone — I’m committed to shaping mine into a success story.”
  8. “Education is empowering, and I’m ready to control my future.”
  9. “It’s not about your origins, but about what you can achieve through hard work and dedication.”

“Life may be unpredictable, but I’m prepared to tackle any challenge that comes my way.”

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Anecdote Hook Examples

If you want to captivate your readers with an engaging and cheerful story from the beginning, starting with an anecdote is a fantastic idea. Here are some examples:

  • “One summer day, I decided to walk in the woods, and that’s when it all began…”
  • “It was an ordinary night out with friends until the police unexpectedly appeared.”
  • “Hearing about my grandmother’s cancer marked one of the toughest days I’ve ever faced.”
  • “On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I took a risk and drove down an unknown road.”
  • “Standing in the World Cup final was something I never thought I’d experience…”
  • “While my friends enjoyed the beach, I was inside baking cookies during a hot summer.”
  • “The moment I decided to start my own business was life-changing.”
  • “My first day at university brought a mix of nerves and excitement.”
  • “Seeing the look on my students’ faces when they finally got it made me realize I wanted to be a teacher.”
  • “Walking into a yoga class for the first time was intimidating, but it turned out to be a fantastic decision.”

Quote Hook Examples

Using a quote hook can be highly effective if you want to capture your reader’s attention with a compelling introduction immediately.

Here are some examples of quotes from notable figures:

Certainly! Here are some new quote hooks from notable individuals:

  • “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count.” – Winston Churchill.
  • “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
  • “The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra
  • “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin
  • “In the end, we will remember not our enemies’ words, but our friends’ silence.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Feel free to use any of these to engage your readers!

Story Hook Examples

Starting with a powerful hook is essential to draw readers in and leave a lasting impression on your story.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • “The last thing I expected to find in the attic was an old diary that would solve decades of family secrets…”
  • “Walking along the deserted beach, I stumbled upon a message in a bottle that held the key to an ancient mystery…”
  • “Just before midnight, the grandfather clock stopped, and that’s when I knew my life would never be the same…”
  • “When I received the mysterious email from an unknown sender, curiosity got the better of me – and that’s where my adventure began…”
  • “As I boarded the plane to a country I had never visited, I had no idea this journey would change everything…”
  • “The eerie howl in the darkness signaled the beginning of an unexpected journey into the unknown…”
  • “I never believed in fate until the morning I bumped into a stranger who seemed eerily familiar…”
  • “The day the power went out in the entire city, I found myself in the middle of whispers and shadows that led to a shocking discovery…”
  • “On my first day at the new job, I was given a special project shrouded in mystery and intrigue…”
  • “The unexpected letter in my mailbox contained a cryptic message that launched me into a world I never knew existed…”

Hook Examples For Speech

Speech hook examples are a great way to grab your audience’s attention.

Here are some examples of effective speech writing:

  • “What does it mean to say ‘knowledge is power’?”
  • “What would our lives be like if we weren’t as connected to technology as we are today?” 
  • “The world is a vast and mysterious place – let’s find out how different cultures live and think.”
  • “What can we learn from the mistakes of our ancestors? Let’s find out!”
  • “We’ve heard about climate change, but what can we do to help?”
  • “We live in a world of opportunity – let’s find out how to make the most of it.”
  • “Everyone has a story to tell – let’s discover what makes us unique and wonderful.”
  • “Hard work and dedication are key ingredients for success – let’s learn how to make the most of them.”
  • “Let’s talk about what it means to make a difference in our world and how we can do it!”
  • “We all have the potential to reach our goals – let’s find out how!”
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Hook Examples For Expository Essays

An expository essay effectively engages readers. Consider these examples:

  1. “Let’s find out why the little things in life are so important.”
  2. “What can we find if we look deeper into our world?”
  3. “Our environment is changing—what can we do to help?”
  4. “Why do people make bad decisions? Let’s look at the reasons.”
  5. “How do laws keep society safe and organized?”
  6. “What can history teach us about the present?”
  7. “How can we overcome the fears we face in life?”
  8. “What can our thoughts achieve? Let’s find out.”
  9. “Life is unpredictable—how can we handle it better?”
  10. “What is success, and how can we reach it?”

Hook Examples For Compare And Contrast Essay

When writing a compare and contrast essay, strong hooks are essential. Here are some examples:

  1. “Do opposites attract?”
  2. “Think two things can’t be more different? Think again.”
  3. “Two similar things can have surprising differences.”
  4. “Ever wondered why two identical things are very different?”
  5. “X and Y have similarities, but their differences are key.”
  6. “Struggling to choose between two appealing options?”
  7. “At first, some things might seem to have nothing in common.”
  8. “Is variety better?”
  9. “Comparing things can help us see clearly.”
  10. “Is everything relative?”

Hook Examples For Research Papers

Creating an engaging research hook can captivate your readers right from the start.

Seeing examples can be highly beneficial in crafting this crucial part of any academic work.

Here are some hook examples that can help you with your research paper:

  1. “Many people believe that X is the answer, but what does the research say?”
  2. “We’ve all heard about Y, but how does it work?”
  3. “What can we learn from past mistakes, and how can we use that knowledge to move forward?”
  4. “How has technology changed the way we do research, and what ethical considerations do we need to consider?”
  5. “What are some of the implications of Z, and what can we do to address them?”
  6. “The debate around A is growing—let’s see both sides and where the research takes us.”
  7. “We all have opinions on B, but what does the evidence tell us?”
  8. “Let’s look at C and uncover what it means.”
  9. “What can we learn from examining the history of D, and how can that help us in the present?”
  10. “There are many theories surrounding E—let’s check them and draw our conclusions.”

If you have already written your paper, don’t worry; pick one of these and edit research paper right away!

Hook Examples For Literary Analysis

Examples of literary hooks can effectively draw readers into your literary analysis essay.

Let’s find out some great hook sentences!

  1. “What secrets do the characters in this story hold, and what truths can we uncover?”
  2. “What does this literature tell us about the human condition?”
  3. “What themes can we uncover by examining this text through a feminist lens?”
  4. “What is the author trying to say about society, and how can we interpret it?”
  5. “How does this story stand out from others in its genre, and what makes it unique?”
  6. “Let’s find out the symbolism and imagery used in this piece of literature.”
  7. “What message is the author trying to convey, and how can that help us better understand the world we live in?”
  8. “The story’s setting plays an important role—let’s examine it more closely.”
  9. “How does the use of language in this text help to convey its themes and ideas?”
  10. “What can we learn about human nature by analyzing the characters in this story?”

Paragraph Hook Examples

Writing can be challenging, especially when it comes to crafting engaging openings. To spark your creativity, here are ten hook ideas that might inspire your next paragraph essay:

  1. We all have those things we love but shouldn’t, like endless reality TV marathons or indulging in junk food.
  2. Technology has changed everything about our lives, from our jobs and conversations to fun and games.
  3. History is packed with amazing tales and people. Let’s give some attention to those who have been overlooked.
  4. Climate change is a huge issue today, but what steps can we take to tackle it?
  5. Language helps us communicate clearly but can also lead to mix-ups and misunderstandings.
  6. The human brain is super complex and amazing, doing incredible things with creativity and smarts. Let’s check out the latest studies on how it works.
  7. Art can inspire, challenge, and change us. But what makes some pieces of art stick around and stay meaningful forever?
  8. Identity combines many things, including race, gender, sexuality, and class.
  9. People have been questioning and debating philosophy for ages, but how can it guide us through today’s complicated life?
  10. Food isn’t just what we eat; it shows our culture, history, and identity.

You can make better use of such hooks with topic sentences for body paragraphs while compiling an essay!

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Query Letter Hook Examples

Solid query letter hooks can really draw in potential readers and agents.

Here are a few examples filled with creative writing:

  • This tale will make you rethink everything you believe.
  • Discover an amazing story of bravery and persistence.
  • Feel the power of hope in this moving adaptation journey.
  • Start reading a thrilling story filled with passion and adventure.
  • Travel alongside a character on a mission to find the truth.
  • Get lost in an unforgettable story filled with puzzles and conspiracy.
  • Meet an amazing group of characters on this emotional journey of discovery.
  • Join a bold group of heroes behind the scenes.
  • Discover a world full of unknowns and wander through a captivating story.
  • Get carried away by this thrilling adventure of bravery and hope.

Hook Examples For Presentation

Presentation hooks are great for grabbing your audience’s attention and keeping them interested. Using cool facts and statistics can help, too!

You can create stories or pictures that really stick with your audience with these examples.

Let’s check out some examples to improve your presentation skills:

  1. “We know X is big, but why does it matter to us?”
  2. “What can we learn from Y’s ups and downs?”
  3. “Let’s see how technology has changed how we do Z and what that means for us.””What’s the one thing we must understand about A to see why it’s import
  4. ant?”
  5. “We’ve all heard about B, but what does it mean for us?”
  6. “What does C mean, and how can we use that to help us?”
  7. “Let’s look at the history and changes of D.”
  8. “How does E affect our daily lives, and what can we do about it?”
  9. “What are some of the good things F brings, and what risks do we need to watch out for?”
  10. “How has G impacted our society, and how can we use it to improve things?”

Hook Examples For Introduction

Introduction hook examples are a great way to start strong, whether it’s a self-introduction paragraph or you are about to introduce others.

Here are some examples:

  1. “Welcome to X – let’s see what’s cool about it.”
  2. “Why is Y such a big deal?”
  3. “What can we learn from Z’s ups and downs?”
  4. “Let’s see A’s history and realize its secrets.”
  5. “We’ve heard of B, but what does it mean for us?”
  6. “How has technology changed C, and what should we think?”
  7. “What does D mean for us, and what can we do about it?”
  8. “E is a hot topic – let’s look at both sides.”
  9. “Let’s dig into the facts about F.”
  10. “What can G’s history teach us today?”

Concluding Hook Examples

Crafting a strong conclusion can be as challenging as writing an engaging opening. Here are some simple closing hook examples to help you wrap up the conclusion for argumentative essays effectively:

  1. “Wrapping up our discussion, it’s evident that [thesis statement]. What impact does this insight have on our lives and society?”
  2. “In the end, the cases we looked at show how complex [topic] is. What does this mean for us going forward?”
  3. “The evidence points to the need for [action or change]. So what’s our next step?”
  4. “In closing, let’s remember [key takeaway or lesson]. How can we use this insight in our own lives?”
  5. “The stories and people we’ve discussed show the human experience and our ability to grow. What can we learn from their journeys?”
  6. “As we finish this conversation, let’s think about what this means for us as individuals and as a society.”
  7. “The examples we’ve discussed reveal the complexities of [topic]. What are the bigger implications of this understanding?”
  8. “Ending this essay, it’s clear that [thesis statement]. How can we use this knowledge to make a positive impact?”
  9. “In conclusion, the evidence we’ve shown asks us to rethink our beliefs about [topic]. Let’s use this chance to broaden our views and deepen our understanding.”
  10. “As we close out this conversation, let’s remember the power of human connection to heal and transform.”

These examples are designed to effectively emphasize the key points of your discussion in the conclusion paragraph while leaving your audience with a lasting impression.

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Hook Examples For Personal Statement

Crafting an attention-grabbing hook for your statement can significantly boost engagement and capture readers’ interest. Here are some simplified examples to guide you in creating a standout hook:

  1. “How have my experiences and values shaped who I am today?”
  2. “What makes me unique from other applicants, and how can that help me succeed?”
  3. “How have my past experiences, good and bad, helped me understand the importance of X?”
  4. “What do I know about Y that makes me stand out from other applicants?”
  5. “Let’s find out how my skillset can help me succeed in Z.”
  6. “What have I learned from the people around me, and how has that shaped my goals?”
  7. “How can I use my knowledge of A to make a difference?”
  8. “How will B help me grow and achieve my dreams?”
  9. “What have I learned through C that has helped me become a better person?”
  10. “What can I offer that makes me the ideal candidate for this role?”

Using these examples as a guide, your goal is to create an engaging, reflective personal statement that highlights your unique qualities and aspirations.

Catchy Hook Examples

  1. “Are you ready for X? Let’s go in!”
  2. “You won’t believe the truth about Y.”
  3. “Let’s find out the secrets of Z.”
  4. “Discover how powerful A can be.”
  5. “B will change your life – here’s how to start.”
  6. “What does C mean for us? Let’s find out!”
  7. “Ready to tackle the challenge of D?”
  8. “Can E change your life? Let’s see!”
  9. “F offers amazing opportunities – here’s how to begin.”
  10. “The potential of G is incredible – check it out!”

These simplified hooks aim to feel more conversational and engaging, making it easier to connect with your readers.

Hook Examples For Romeo and Juliet Essays

So, here are some simple and relatable hook ideas for your essay on “Romeo and Juliet”:

  1. “Why has Romeo and Juliet captured hearts for centuries? Let’s drill into the timeless themes that keep us hooked.”
  2. “From epic sword fights to beautiful sonnets, what makes Shakespeare’s language in Romeo and Juliet so unforgettable?”
  3. “Romeo and Juliet seems like a love story, but is there more beneath the surface?”
  4. “The Capulet-Montague feud might seem like another fight, but what does it tell us about old Italy?”
  5. “What can Romeo and Juliet teach us about love and desire? Let’s see how it challenges our views on right and wrong.”
  6. “Romeo and Juliet has been adapted so many times, but what can we learn from Shakespeare’s original words?”
  7. “The tragic end of Romeo and Juliet feels inevitable, but what if the characters had chosen differently?”
  8. “We often focus on Romeo and Juliet, but what about Friar Lawrence and the Nurse? How do they influence the story?”
  9. “Set in old Italy, but speaking of modern issues, let’s see how Romeo and Juliet are still relevant today.”
  10. “The balcony scene is legendary, but why does it resonate so deeply? Let’s feel the aura behind it.”

These hooks aim to make your essay feel personal, engaging, and easy to relate to.

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Hook Examples For Social Media

We are here with some simple and relatable hook ideas to start your argue-essay on social media:

  1. “Social media feels like an endless rabbit hole, always pulling us in with new things to see and do.”
  2. “We can connect with anyone around the world through social media, but what does it cost us in terms of privacy and mental health?”
  3. “Social media has changed how we talk to each other, but it has also brought new challenges to our lives.”
  4. “From Instagram influencers to TikTok trends, social media has created new paths to fame and fortune.”
  5. “In a world where we’re always online, are we truly communicating or just scrolling through updates?”
  6. “What happens when social media becomes a hotbed for toxic behavior and hate speech?”
  7. “Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have changed how we get our news, but how reliable is it?”
  8. “Social media helps us find and connect with people who share our interests and passions.”
  9. “With social media, we can present a perfect image of our lives, but how true is that?”
  10. “Social media has opened new doors for businesses and entrepreneurs to reach their audience.”

These hooks aim to make your essay engaging and easy to understand. They focus on aspects of social media that are relatable to most readers.

Impressive Hook Sentence Examples For Essays on Different Subjects

Following are some well-written hook examples:


  • Children who play games are more intelligent than their classmates who don’t.
  • Higher education doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t need to do hard work in your professional life.


  • Money spent once with precision is a lifetime investment return.
  • There are no permanent friends or foes in business.


  • Intermittent fasting not only improves physical health but brain function as well.
  • Exercise is the best solution for preventing cardiovascular disease and stress.


  • Over the past 50 years, humans have created more environmental pollution than in the last 5000 years.
  • It is burning coal in industry and recreational activities results in excessive CO2 emissions that cause lung disease.
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