54 Best Paragraph Starters for Argumentative Essays

Searching for an effective guide for “paragraph starters for an argumentative essay?”. Want to have the best one but can’t find one? Deadline approaching, but short of information? Wondering what to do? Fly away your worries (stop stressing) because we, one of the cheapest essay services in town, are here to answer all your queries about how to start an argumentative essay. Read this out!

Unlike a narrative essay and other personal essay types, argumentative essays are comparatively tricky and require special treatment. One has to be very careful about making argumentative essay topics for paragraphs.

A single mistake in the starter paragraph of such an essay can make the entire argument worthless. Hence, care must be taken when writing paragraphs for such essays. That is why there is one of the most advanced online assignment writing services available to help you in any way possible.

Let’s jump into the writing guide for good body paragraph starters. You can simply call them argumentative essay starters.

Argumentative essay

An argumentative essay is a form of essay writing in which an essay writer for hire states his stance or argument regarding an

  1. Issue, 

  2. Event, 

  3. Belief, and etc. 

The writer states his argument with strong evidence to persuade the audience of the point of view of what the writer holds. 

It is almost common now in academic writing that an instructor assigns such essay from tons of domains such as: 

  1. Politics

  2. Technology

  3. Media

  4. Fashion

  5. Religion etc. 

You should know that your approach to each of these tasks matter a lot. Speaking of which, starting sentences for an argumentative essay plays an important role in the success of such academic activity. Let’s read about the features of such an essay before learn more on the sentence starters for argumentative essay.

Features of argumentative essay

Apart from good argument starters, such essay also has the following features that make word choice even better:

  1. Introduce the topic in a manner to engage the readers

  2. Ensure subjectivity of the point of view while stating it

  3. Add counter-arguments to get the audience in confidence 

  4. Provide sufficient evidences to support the proper style of an argument

Now we will discuss some sentence starters for body paragraphs and then we will guide you how to write such kind of essay:

Paragraph starters for argumentative essay

Following is a sample of such phrases:

useful words and pharses

How to write an Argumentative essay Paragraph starter?

facts about starter for argumentative essays

Just follow these steps to learn writing argumentative essay sentence starters: 

  1. Choosing a topic 

  2. Stating strong thesis 

  3. Research

  4. Structuring 

  5. Drafting 

Let’s discuss these in details:

Choosing a topic

Well! Most of the time, an instructor assigns the students with a topic to make the roadway difficult for him. However, if there is an open choice to choose the topic, then choose whatever interests you. This is because when one chooses the topic of their interest, it is always going to contain more information because of the writer’s knowledge about the topic either due to personal experience or is involve in daily activities.

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One must be careful in stating information about such topics of interest because most of these topics help us to make a claim in argumentative essay and facts. After one has a strong basis for moving on with the topic, it is time to start now.

Stating strong thesis

Before stating a strong thesis statement, one should have the idea of what a thesis statement really is:

  • “A statement which is usually stated at the end of an introductory paragraph stating the entire summary or central message of the essay.”

This sentence is the brain of any essay or a piece of writing. Hence, it is important to structure this sentence in a way to attract the attention of the audience in a way to keep them reading. 

State a strong thesis which has the following features:

  1. Reflect the argument the writer is going to talk about

  2. Represent the stance of the writer either in a positive or a negative connotation

  3. Is reflected in the entire essay, especially the topic sentences. 


Good research is the key to a successful essay. An essay or an introduction paragraph stands against every counter-argument only if it is written on a well-researched basis. Other forms of essay might not require researching because it requires recalling memories or some other sort of stuff. However, for the essay that we are talking about, there must be proper evidence, a main thesis sentence, research material to back up the arguments, and least but not last logic to cater counter arguments. So, to cover the main part which is thesis sentence a thesis statement generator can play a crucial role. It will easy out lot of stress and help you in boosting your quality. Moreover, good research is very important because we are stating an argument, so we should have strong evidence to back up that argument, and this requires research.

Use following sources for researching:

  1. Books

  2. Journals

  3. Blogs

  4. Articles

  5. Published and unpublished sources

  6. Internet

  7. Documentaries

  8. YouTube etc. 

Also make sure the following:

  1. “A good reader is a good leader”. This is specially the case here. One has to “read” to write good and lead the audience. Read through the sources, have a good idea of the topic, arguments and counter-arguments.

  2. Ensure subjectivity in your thoughts while reading and writing too. This not only state the argument from the perspective of the writer, but also from the perspective of the critics. Stating the views of such people into the writing as well, will make the essay well versed and buffered it.

  3. Ensure uniqueness by looking at the existing pieces of writing on such topics. Cover the issue(s) that the writer has not highlighted so far or get help from the best essay writing service.

When it is felt that enough research has been made, whatever was required, one should move on to the next step but if at any position it is felt that more research is required, one should go for it. The process of research never stops at any stage. 


After collection of information on the topic, it should be shaped in a proper way. The standard is the introduction, then the body, and finally the conclusion. At least the essay should contain these standards to be called as properly structured. 


Drafting and structuring occurs simultaneously. Structuring is when one give structure to the essay while writing and drafting is that writing actually. The written document is a draft. So, draft the essay in a structured manner. It is advisable to rough draft if there is enough time to do so.

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Structure of an Argumentative Essay paragraph starter

Following is the structure for such essay:


The introduction of the essay is the building block for the rest of the write-up. At the very beginning of the introductory paragraph, a hook should be stated. It is a statement that grab the attention of the audience suddenly.

After the hook, we state a slight background knowledge of the topic to give the readers a know-how of the topic.

Lastly, we state a strong thesis statement to sum up the introductory paragraph. Such statement reflects the entire crux of the essay.


The body paragraph of an argumentative essay contain at least three standard paragraphs, but can vary depending on the argument.

The starting sentence of each paragraph is a topic sentence, which represent the paragraph following it. The rest of the paragraph states the main argument/stance of the writer, with the ending sentence giving idea of the next paragraph.

The second paragraph of such essay contain the topic sentence and the counter-claims to the stance of the writer usually.

The Conclusion

A conclusion summarizes the whole discussion of the essay. It restates the main argument and closes it. We do not state a new argument or idea into the conclusion part to leave the audience with ambiguity. Finally, we close the conclusion paragraph with a clincher, leaving the audience craving more. I hope this guides you a lot; contact our experts if you need any argumentative essay help.


Good paragraph starters for an essay are:

  1. To be exact...

  2. The piece of writing talks about…

  3. This essay revolves around…

  4. To view the essay…

  5. In this piece of writing

  6. To dive into the issue…

  7. To analyze the issue…

  8. Moving into this topic…

5 paragraphs in argumentative essay are:

The introduction

3 body paragraphs including:

1st paragraph developing argument

2nd paragraph stating the claim & evidences

3rd paragraph mentioning counter-claim and rebuttal

Concluding paragraph

A good example of an introduction paragraph is the one with:

  1. A nicely put hook

  2. Sentences stating background knowledge

  3. A strong thesis statement reflecting the whole essay 

Good sentence starters are:

  1. Basically

  2. Although

  3. Moreover

  4. Furthermore

  5. In addition to

  6. To start with

  7. First of all

  8. Finally 

  9. Secondly

  10. To begin with

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