Here is How to Use Essentials In Writing (The Curriculum)

How to Use Essentials In Writing

Are you looking for a course to learn the writing essentials? Are you homeschooling your kids and want a complete program to help you teach? You can take full advantage of the widely used Essentials in Writing course with an easy curriculum for students of different ages. Buckle up because we are swooping into this program and will show you what it has for you.

Essentials In Writing Curriculum

Essentials in Writing is a digital homeschool and literature program that offers lessons and courses for different educational levels, from kindergarten to 12th grade. 

Notable features are:

  • It has video lessons and printable workbooks that you can always print and let your kids practice.
  • It has special lessons for children with dyslexia, autism, and ADHD.
  • You can avail yourself of different military, active duty, veteran, and retiree discounts.
  • First respondents discount entertains police, Fire, EMTs, and federal servants.
  • It’s a valuable program that teaches students how to write flawlessly and comprehend literature.

What Are The Different Levels in Essential in Writing?

The different levels of the lesson plan are not based on the grades but on the children’s ages and knowledge levels. You can start with the free trial and look into the content of the lessons to determine what you will be learning.

You must purchase the desired level of lessons at different prices. Each lesson has video lessons, a student writing book, and a teacher’s handbook. You can start from level 1 in the writing plan or at whatever level your kids can understand and need to learn.

Lower Elementary

Level 1 (Age 6 – 7 years)

This level covers writing essentials for beginners, including sentence formation, capitalization, making lists, writing paragraphs, and punctuation. It also helps the kids recognize the basic parts of speech, nouns, adjectives, and action verbs. 

Level 2 (Age 7 – 8 years)

This level teaches sentence structure, subjects, predicates, nouns, pronouns, verbs, present and past verb tenses, adjectives, capitalization, and punctuation. It engages students in writing like making paragraphs, letters, and personal narratives.

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Level 3 (Age 8 – 9 years)

This level includes advanced sentence-making practices, antecedents, adjectives, verbs, verb tenses, capitalization, punctuation, and simple and compound sentences. It teaches writing expository and persuasive paragraphs and explores different narratives with some of the best narrative essay topics and letters. 

Upper Elementary

Level 4 (Age 9 -10 years)

This level advances the lesson by allowing students to practice the essentials of writing by adding compound subjects and predicates, complex sentences, independent and dependent clauses, and discovering concepts like similes, metaphors, letters, expository essays, and bibliographies. 

Level 5 (Age 10 – 11 years )

This level includes reviewing the types of sentences, subjects, predicates, clauses, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, vivid and figurative language, letters, summaries, narratives, compare/contrast writing, and research projects. 

Level 6 (Age 11 – 12 years)

This level is just practice in the handbooks that review what students have learned in level 5, including adding appositives, point-of-view writing, expository essays, persuasive letters, and completing a research project. 

Middle School

Level 7 (Age 12 – 13 years)

Now in the advanced level of middle school, students will master the critical components of effective writing through 20 lessons of grammar, 2 lessons of paraphrasing, 15 lessons of research projects, summaries, composition, narratives, essays, letters, and business letters.

Level 8 (Age 13 – 14 years)

This level includes teaching students the proper usage of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, pronouns, gerunds, clauses, complex sentences, summaries, and paragraph starters for argumentative essays along with other types, formal and personal letters, research papers, and composition. 

High School

There are four levels for high school students above the age of 14 to 18, including levels 9, 10, 11, and 12. These levels have all the previous writing practice with an increased difficulty level after one another.

It improves students’ understanding of the types of essays, research papers, citation formats, formal letters, applications, narrative writing, and MLA format and gives essential tips for creative writing. Level 12 is popular among students, authors, and academics.

Bonus Service: College APP Essay Guide

Essentials in Writing program has a new college application essay guide that you can purchase for $39.99. It’s a complete course with essential writing techniques that help you ace your admission applications and get into the colleges of your choice.

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If the admission application guide is expensive and out of your budget, you can contact our college admission essay service to give you a perfectly crafted essay instead. It’s time-saving and budget-friendly for students like you.

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Writing Essentials For Students

That’s it for the essentials in writing for all students. You can log into the official website of the Essentials in Writing Program and take the suitable courses. Video lessons and handbooks save a lot of time and energy. It’s very interactive, so you won’t get bored watching the videos and solving the handbooks.

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