What Is A Claim In An Argumentative Essay?

Claim In An Argumentative Essay

Surrounded by mountains of research to find “what is a claim in an argumentative essay”? We know that it’s not easier to write and present a strong claim in this type of essay type. Are you the one who can decide the best topic for an argumentative essay? Do you want to have an expert guide to present strong claim against your audience? Well! Keep reading this for such purpose.

In argumentative writing, the writer clear his stance by convincing the audience through genuine reasoning, facts, evidences, and figures. Hence, it is very important in such type of writing the representation of a strong claim or claims to convince the readers of the views that the writer carry. The representation of such claim should take into account some major requirements and considerations which we are here to present. So let’s move to it without wasting any second further. 

What Is A Claim?

A claim is a representation in writing that allows the writer to present the main idea(s) of the entire essay or piece of writing. It has to perform the function of an argument and be supported with enough evidence, facts, and figures throughout the essay. It can also say that a claim is a type of thesis statement. As we represent the thesis and then support it throughout the argumentative essay outline, so does the claim.

What Should Be Kept In Mind?

Following points should be kept in mind while presenting a claim:

  1. Claims are your opinions that is held by you, but it is represented in the writing as if they are strong facts and are backed up by evidence throughout. 

  2. Whenever the writer make a statement that he supports with evidences, facts and figures, he is representing a claim, irrespective of him knowing.

  3. A statement should not be called claim if there is insufficient evidences, famous quotations or facts that supports it. 

  4. Whenever the writer uses a claim, he must not be confused or firing in the air, rather he should be confident of what he is supporting, even if sufficient evidence is not present. 

  5. A claim should never be confused with general paragraphs starter in an argumentative essay, just because they might be similar or is factual, doesn’t mean all paragraphs can be a claim statement.

  6. A claim should be a debatable statement not just a fact. 

Example of a statement and a claim

A statement:

“I own a car even I’m under age”.

A claim:

“People should own a car even if they are under age”.

It is clearly seen that in a simple statement, it is only a fact that you are under age but own a car while in the claim or argument, you present a statement that you can defend by evidences but not everyone will agree with the view that even if people are under age, they should own a car. Hence, the first statement is not debatable, however, the second is clearly a debatable statement. Clear on a simple statement and an argument or claim? Let’s move ahead.

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Where Is A Claim Placed?

A claim statement is usually represented in the introduction of an essay or any piece of writing. It is generally paired with a hook statement, which is the starting sentence of the entire writing and is designed to select word choice in argumentative essay for writing. A hook statement holds the reader’s interest, while a claim will tell the readers the points represented or argued in the essay or piece of writing.

A Counterclaim In The Essay Writing

A counterclaim is defined as an alternative argument to, what the writer have represented as a claim. When someone represents an alternative point or statement/claim to what the writer have argued, he is counterclaiming the writers’ argument. Counterclaim in an essay writing is also called rebuttal. Counterclaim mean the views of other person to which the writer has represented his claim. Remember! If someone is making a counterclaim, he must also backed it up with evidences to prove his point. However, in such type of essay writing that we are talking about, the writer himself comprehend from the topic, his counterclaims and then state it in his essay to take his audience in confidence and then rebuttal to prove his own claim. A claim and counter claim acts just like a debate. In debate we represent claim, the opposite party counterclaim, and we again present strong evidences/rebuttals to overcome their claims.

Let’s see the difference:

Claim: Forming an argument and supporting it with evidence. Example “laziness is the main factor contributing to obesity and ultimately other diseases”.

Counterclaim: Presenting a rebuttal to claim and then backing it up with sufficient evidences. Example “Although lazy lifestyle being the major contributory factor in obesity, there are other factors such as unhealthy eating habits, insufficient physical activities and many more leading to it”.

But what is the purpose of representing the counterclaim?

It is represented by the writer for the purpose of supporting and making his claim and, as a result, the entire essay even stronger because the views of the audience are already included and cleared keeping them into consideration and without them raising criticism.

Claim Examples In An Argumentative Essay

Perfect essay writers knows that it is very hard to digest bundle of information represented above. However, some example can make our life easier. We can review some good examples of argumentative claims to clarify more about it in the writing. You can easily identify these claim when reading any other piece of writing, as well as, write a top-notch essay when writing yourself. Let’s review it then:

  1. Overweight is the major cause of diabetes. 

  2. Regular exercise provide better health benefits both physically and mentally.

  3. Aluminum is the best material to build an aircraft as compare to other materials for a civilian aircraft.

  4. Working as an employee (doing a job) is better option than doing your own business.

  5. Household chores should not be given much time when working on professional platform.

  6. Personal life doesn’t matter for doctors when it comes to serving others.

  7. Children of schools should never be allowed to drive a car to their schools. 

  8. It is not dangerous to carry magnetic materials in an aircraft. 

  9. It should not be illegal to drive car without license. 

  10. A runway built from concrete is better than that made from a bitumen material. 

  11. Children under 18 years of age should not be allowed to use social media platforms.

  12. Working mothers never give attention to the brought up of their child. 

  13. Neglected children are the one involved in crimes when they grow up.

  14. Tattooing the entire body is a taboo, as it is fashion of the modern society. 

  15. Notwithstanding the rules of the institute, a child should be rusticated from the institute.

  16. It should not be the function of Civil Aviation to have both roles of a regulator and a service provider. 

  17. Virtual classes have done more damage to the studies in the situation of covid than the closure of institutes could have done. 

  18. There should be no substitute to respect. 

  19. Supervision will do more good to the children than a good brought up. 

  20. Animated movies are more advantageous than that of songs and films.

  21. A teacher play more important role than does the parents of the students. 

  22. A friend in need is a friend in need-the statement might not be true under many conditions. 

  23. Lack of communication in an organization is the major cause of it being in loss. 

  24. Time management is a skill that comes naturally in a person and cannot be taught.

  25. External motivation works more effectively than does internal motivation. 

It should be noted that the statements stated above are not hard and fast rules and facts. Rather, they are an opinion based statements to which you can either agree or disagree. They can further be supported with evidences by the writer to prove his stance over any of the above claim. The audience are then going to decide whether they agree or disagree with the argument based on the fact that how strongly the writer make his point, as well as, the audience opinion and knowing about the topic under discussion.

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So, a claim is going to make up the entire conclusion for an argumentative essay and require considerations that has to be given to it while planning and designing for an argumentative essay topic. The outline stage of the essay is also important and one can plan such claim there as well.

Now that we have had enough discussion, perfect essay writers are high-spirited to assume that they have cleared enough for a claim in an argumentative essay. However, if there’s still a need to cater to such issues more, our college essay writing service is always here to help.


Some examples of a claim are as follows: 

  1. Household chores should not be given much time when working on professional platform.

  2. Personal life doesn’t matter for doctors when it comes to serving others.

  3. Children of schools should never be allowed to drive a car to their schools. 

  4. It is not dangerous to carry magnetic materials in an aircraft. 

  5. It should not be illegal to drive car without license. 

To write a claim for an argumentative essay, paired it with a hook statement and place it in the introductory paragraph of the piece of writing. A claim is going to tell the readers the points that will be represented or argued in the essay or piece of writing.

A claim is the representation in writing that allows the writer to present the main idea(s) of the entire essay or piece of writing that performs the function of an argument and has to be supported with sufficient evidences, facts and figures throughout the entire essay. It can also be said that a claim is type of a thesis statement; as we represent the thesis and then support it throughout the essay (which is an argument), so do the claim.

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