Social Media Argumentative Essay for College Students

Social Media Argumentative Essay

Everyone in today’s world uses social media. Whether It is on smartphones, tablets, or laptop computers. But what will happen if your professor tells you to write a social media argumentative essay for college students in two or three days? Would you do it? Or know how to write an essay?

If you are struggling to hold the pen, then all you need is to read this blog. We have many things for your consideration. Keep reading to have a deep understanding of writing an argumentative essay. We will break the essay writing into steps for accessible and digestible parts. our expert college paper writing service will assist you in writing a compelling argumentative essay if you face difficulty at any point while writing an argumentative essay on social media.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay the author builds around a topic. And they present their opinion either against or in favor. The writers must take a side when they show the evidence. They are responsible for convincing the audience of the arguments presented in the context.

Thus, an argumentative essay is composed to argue the reader’s beliefs. Or actions on any topic that the writer wants to discuss.

Social Media Argumentative Essay for College Students

Social media is used by millions and billions of people around the world. There is no age limit on the use of this platform which is why toddlers to old-timers are equally using it daily.

Ons of the primary users of social media is teenagers. Almost 60% audience of the entire users available are teenage students. Thus social media is playing an important part in their psychological and physical development.

One big example of this can be taken as yoga classes on YouTube. Also, many videos on physical activities like exercise, and weight lifting can be accessed on this platform.

Similarly many games which promote brainstorming are also available for getting creative ideas. Students can learn as much as they like by excelling in many aspects of daily life.

We have witnessed many out-of-the-box ideas by students who are actively using social media. On the other hand, many TikTok users and social media influencers are getting recognition by millions of followers.

Many students are earning via social media, besides learning from college. Hence they are paying their tuition fee fully funded by their online presence only. Many influencers that are well reputed but are not big names are earning as much as 30,000$ to 100,000$.

So they are financially stable enough to fund the entire college education on their own. That is a new concept that millennials are experiencing with the use of social networking sites. If we look back a few decades ago then we can see that student debt was a death threat to everyone.

Currently, the old concept of tuition fee debt is a thing of the past. A video with a thousand views and likes can start an earning process for many new students. It is all made possible thanks to the social media application in use today.

In contrast, we are witnessing a new world of tragedy as well. Social mediaโ€™s dominance has created far more challenges for the new generation as well. One big issue that is playing a big part is the global rise in suicide and cyberbullying.

Because social media use is free and unrestricted thus anyone with a smartphone can share and write anything they want. We have seen many people calling celebrities with vulgar names, and use of profane language against them.

A similar case is against many politicians, which has resulted in anger and chaos in society. One of the worst affectees are the college students. Body shaming and slut shaming for females are norms of colleges and universities nowadays.

Any person who dislikes their fellow classmates regardless of gender put a hate message about them. That cost dearly on the targeted personโ€™s mind and respect. All of a sudden they are targeted and this leads to higher rates of suicide among teenagers in schools and colleges.

One bad aspect of social media is easily sharing of any event or incidence. For example, many teenagers share private videos of their boyfriend/girlfriend in intimate scenes. When these videos of private moments one spends with his/her love interest get shared on social media, it brought a social stigma to such victims.

Despite all the cybercrime laws present, these revenge private videos are shared on social media daily. This has resulted in a 3-4 fold increase in suicides in North America alone.

In summary, social media has given us many benefits, but on the other hand, its misuse has caused a social dilemma and chaos among teenagers. Thus it is of utmost importance that using social media should be kept to a minimum and only for research purposes only.

Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Social media is the kingmaker in todayโ€™s world. This technology has affected many lives ever since its start. We have seen many things through the use of social media. There is a long list of advantages and disadvantages of social media use.

The most prominent advantage is the connectivity. You can remain in contact with your siblings, relatives, and friends living in different cities, and countries. Even your classmates with whom you have studied years ago can be sent friend requests from your Facebook page.

Similarly, you can use other connectivity applications such as โ€œWhatโ€™sAppโ€. For talking to your friends and family cost-free at any given time. This free mode of communication is one of the most widely used platforms in the world at the moment.

We have seen the biggest advantages of social media when the whole world was on lockdown during the Covid-19 period. Social mediaโ€™s different modes of communication were used extensively. Zoom and WhatsApp video call prove their worth and benefits in connecting hundreds and thousands of students worldwide with their school and college teachers.

One important aspect for college students is that almost all academics have their presence on social media. Thus they can contact them directly anytime 24/7. Also, social media is the voice for everyone whether it is against any government policy or about injustice in society.

Social media has proven its advantageous use in exposing corruption inside governments. And its many institutions playing part in hiding such allegations. So social media is going to play more and more roles in our lives regardless.

In contrast to the above-mentioned points, social media is playing an equally negative role in our life as well. One prime example is the introduction of lies and fake news. There are many people who like spreading fake news and baseless rumors.

That is why we see so many contradictions each day in statements. Whether they are political, conventional news, etc. Social media is the culprit of all the bad actions now. 

People make videos making fun of their colleagues and friends in the most stupid way possible. Just for views and comments to get famous mostly people endanger themselves along with otherโ€™s lives as well. 

Social media has caused thousands of premature deaths in many teenagers. A lot of young adults died while using social media to upload videos for views. Many TikTok users died while making videos. Most of these deaths were between the age of 18 years to 24 years old adults.

So social media disadvantages include many deaths that were caused by mismanagement of these tools. Also, social media is promoting a great disparity between society and its many classes.

One such case is that TikTokers use exotic cars and bags full of money in their videos that create rifts. This socio-economical factor plays a vital role in the decline of societyโ€™s morale.

One of the big and most prominent disadvantages of social media is the decline of moralities and ethical values in society. Youngsters’ minds can easily be manipulated thus social media is exploiting them. Students from 5th grade to university going are all victims of this dilemma.

Social media’s disadvantages are far more than their few benefits. And there is no short-term fix. In the long term, we can only try to minimize its adverse effects. 

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Importance of Social Media Essay

No one in this world can deny the importance of social media. It is not just a fact but also a part of our daily life. Students, the working class, business magnates, entrepreneurs, and politicians all are using social media every day.

It is an integral part of all the humans living on earth. The value of such social networking platform can never be underestimated now. There is no denying how much space social media has taken in each person’s life.

Hence social media advantages increase the importance of this platform. Older mediums of social networking are useless now. Social mediaโ€™s influential role in information transfer has revolutionized the world. Bigger corporations use social media to influence their product buyerโ€™s decisions.

Almost 4.7 billion people in the world use social media. This gives many sellers millions of new prospects that can be converted into new customers. Corporate marketing has been completely changed by the social media revolution. Newer strategies that are based on customers’ online behaviors are being implemented everywhere.

Social media has opened a new dimension of marketing known as โ€œdigital marketingโ€. Online buying and selling have been only possible when all the campaigns are running on social media. Social media has not given a new perspective to our society but also has changed everything from bahaviors to our lifestyle as well. 

Social media has proven itself as perfect in filling the gaps that were left open by traditional reporting and journalism. Hiding corruption and malice is not possible due to the fast and rapid use of social media. There are many examples that were used to take down many bigger regimes and change policies.

One big example is โ€œWikiLeaksโ€ and โ€œpanama papersโ€ which highlighted the importance of social media. Social media is now the one and only free platform for expressing your opinions. 

Social networking tools have proven themselves as an integral and essential part of society. It is not possible to think about the existence of a healthy society without social media.

Impact of Social Media Essay

Human history has been filled with many advancements over time. If we look back on the stone age we cannot imagine how it was possible for humans to live without proper houses, fans, or mobile phones.

The same can be said about social media which started a process of revolutionizing our lives. This action is so powerful that it has opened a new dimension in our daily life. Social networking has captured our minds and thoughts. Our way of communication is absolutely on a new path. The time of landlines and long-distance calls has ended with the introduction of these tools.

The same can be said about our social circle and daily interactions. We use social media in our daily life. An example of these tools is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest etc. These tools are used extensively for contacting our friends and family and colleagues etc.

Social media impact can be seen quite vividly in different networking applications. All the big brands and giants of the business have changed their entire strategies. Appealing to customers is quite easy via these tools. Even KFC, McDonaldโ€™s, and Samsung like big multinational corporations have dedicated Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Creating brand loyalty is easy with having social media presence.

This revolutionary impact has changed the business growth and their needs. Every commercial startup needs customers. In order to get customers, businesses need to target those clients to make them product or service users. Social media is performing this duty way too good, billboards and television commercial days are over.

Social media has deeply influenced our society. Our daily norms and way of thinking are rapidly changed. Very few people now think the newspaper is the only source of information. In contrast to once-a-day news reading people prefer to get the latest news updates via different media tools available online.

One of the biggest changes we have seen or the change that the world has witnessed is the introduction of transparency. Availability of 24/7 internet and social media tools, anything good or bad can become trending on these applications. Social media has introduced transparency to a new level. Even it is difficult for governments to hide the truth from their people.

Paragraph on Social Media

Social media is the new force in our daily life. Our daily life is incomplete with the use of this platform. Social media caters to the different needs of different people.

Social media is by far the one and only free for all platform in the world. Social media benefits are countless. For example, you can use it to contact any of your friends, or family members. It doesn’t matter if they live in your country or some other country. 

Social media has spread its use extensively in our society. It is important to keep a balance in our use of these applications. 

What is Social Media Essay?

Social media is an online platform that consists of hundreds of applications use for making connections. Social media has played a vital role in todayโ€™s world. From the introduction of memes and trends to expressing personal opinions; Social networking has transformed everything around us.

Now with the introduction of 4G and 5G internet technology, more than four billion people in the world are using social media. From buying different clothes, sports equipment, smartphones, computers etc. Social networking sites plays important role in our purchasing decision.

It is therefore considered the biggest influential power of the 21st century. It is essential for everyone to use social media especially if you are doing business. The Internet has provided seamless access to billions of people around the world. 

Hence any business can sell its services to hundreds or thousands of people at any time. Social media ads are part of product marketing and introduce newly launched items to many unknown people. So social media is providing new information every second to the world.

Social media is also used for hosting many big events like football, charities, fundraising etc. it can be called an undisputed king of this century. All types of media, whether it is graphical, vocal, or visual can be shown and promoted on social sites.

So social media is a global platform that is free, reliable and helpful by every means possible. It made it possible for us to know the new trends, fashion accessories, communication means etc. 

Social Media Essay Topics

For many students finding a suitable topic for their research essay is a big issue. The following list will contain all the social media argumentative essay topics for college students.

Social Media Argumentative Essay Topic

  1. Why social media is used so extensively nowadays?

  2. Why social media use is growing so rapidly?

  3. What factors are influencing social media use?

  4. Is social media addiction?

  5. Why social media should be regulated?

  6. What benefits does social media offer for educational purposes?

  7. Why social media should be banned?

  8. Why social media should be restricted for children under the age of 10 years?

  9. Has social media proven itself worthy of your time?

  10. Why social media is creating more damage to our society than giving benefits?

  11. Why social media use should be controlled at all times?

  12. Why social media is causing anarchy in our society?

  13. Why social media is the leading cause of rebellion in a society?

  14. Why banning social media is not possible?

  15. How social media is influencing our minds?

  16. Why we are bound to follow trends on social media?

  17. How social media use is affecting our political views?

  18. Can social media play role in selecting public office holders?

  19. Why social media’s disadvantages are more than their advantages?

  20. How social media is invading our privacy?

  21. Why does social media use won’t make you a celebrity?

  22. How social media has created more devastation in the last ten years?

  23. How social media use is destroying our relationships?

  24. Why social media is the best invention of the 21st century?

  25. How social media is destroying our new generation?

  26. Why social media is a curse more than a blessing?

  27. How social media has exposed our social values?

  28. Why social media is increasing the decline of our moral values?

  29. How social media has destroyed our conventional business approach?

  30. How social media is spreading fake news?

  31. Why social media is increasing cybercrimes in the world?

  32. How social media’s negative effects are more dangerous than drugs?

  33. How social media can make or break your business profile?

  34. Why social media is overtaking news channels?

  35. Why social media will be deciding factor in the next elections?

  36. How social media is influencing new start-ups?

  37. How social media has become so powerful?

  38. Why social media is best for rapid business growth?

  39. Why social media is the only option for brand awareness of new products?

  40. Why social media should be used for raising your voice?

  41. How social media can play its role in decreasing social injustice?

  42. How social media is increasing mental health issues in teenagers?

  43. Why teenagers are more at risk of developing depression by using social media?

  44. How social media is increasing suicides among teenagers?

  45. Why social media should be completely banned on college premises?

  46. How social media is changing our eating habits?

  47. How social media is indirectly causing damage to our education system?

  48. Is social media causing information overload?

  49. How social media is used for spreading fake news?

  50. Why social media is the end of our cultural values?

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Social Media Effect on Polishing your Skills and Talent

Many colleges and universities have seen a decline in their students’ skills and talent. It is mainly due to the extreme usage of social media. As the pupils see others as inspiration but never consider themselves one. These teenagers see themselves as unequal to their online motivations.

This results in a rapid decline in self-confidence and creativity. Social media has been called the biggest hurdle of the 21st century for students unable to hone their skills.

When many teenagers see other people as more talented than themselves. They begin to self-loath and end up having anxiety and panic attacks.

Online Scams, Lack of Physical Activity, and Cheating in Exams

There are many voices and arguments on the complete ban of social media. This ban is on social media use for students of colleges and universities. One of the big claims is that social media and its related blogs are the biggest culprits of online scams. Because many of the products and reviews using any social media platform are fake, thus they mislead teenage students.

Similarly, social media is helping in making society lazy. Making them prone to a lack of physical activity. Many teenagers prefer TikTok and use Twitter and Instagram. Rather than going for a walk, hiking, or cycling. Hence this is contributing massively to many health issues. Such as new onsets of diabetes and many other diseases.

Likewise, Social media is playing its part in cheating in exams. Students use social media platforms to help them with assignments and exam preparation. Their dependence lies heavily on the easy way out. which in turn creates lower quality of professionals with mediocre skills.


Understanding all aspects of social media argumentative essay for college students is essential. If you’re struggling, you can find essay writers who can help craft compelling essays. Following this structure will help many students write and use this for assignment completion. We are sure most of you have already made all the necessary points. Read the blog and write the best argumentative essay for your college assignment.

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