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Writing essays can be important for expressing yourself, succeeding in school, and growing professionally. It’s a great way to communicate and grow as a person. But a lot of students aren’t totally sure what essay writing is.

No need to worry as this article will introduce you to essay writing with examples. You will also get to read expert tips for crafting one like a pro. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

All You Need to Know About Essay Writing

What is Essay Writing

Writing an essay is like crafting a piece of art. It requires careful thought and structure to present your ideas logically. You need to develop a thesis statement for the introduction, build your arguments in the body, and wrap it all up with a summary in the conclusion.


Let’s look at an essay about how social media has changed modern society. The intro would say something like, “Social media has completely changed how people communicate and interact in the digital world.”

The main section will detail how social media affects our relationships. How does it help spread information? And how can it be used for activism? In the end, it would sum up the main points, restating the thesis statement and emphasizing the impact of social media on our mentality.

The Importance of Essay Writing

Essay writing sharpens your critical thinking, communication, and exploration skills. Academically, it tests your understanding and analysis. Professionally, it helps you put forward your ideas persuasively and spread knowledge. On a personal level, it encourages self-discovery and lets you explore creatively.

Let’s say a high schooler is assigned an essay about the advantages of renewable energy. After good research, he has come up with a solid argument to show its environmental, economic, and lasting benefits. By doing so, the student’s knowledge of the topic improves. Also, his ability to express persuasive and coherent points.

Types of Essay Writing

There are different types of essays. Narrative, explanatory, argumentative, and descriptive are some of the most popular ones. Each has a specific purpose, and it is written in a different style:

Narrative Essays

These essays present a narrative, often with descriptive elements to draw in the reader and make them feel something. Narrative essay writing is intended to be enjoyable, create feelings of understanding or sympathy, or impart wisdom.

Descriptive Essays

A descriptive essay provides readers with an image of the topic being discussed through vivid sensory details. Descriptive essay writing enables readers to form a mental picture of the subject and experience it more vividly.

Expository Essays

Expository essays provide information on a particular topic or idea through the presentation of facts, evidence, and logic. Expository essay writing intends to be clear and objective interpretations of the subject.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essay writing focuses on convincing readers to adopt the author’s perspective on a certain topic. Evidence is presented to support the arguments, and a counterargument is often included to reinforce the writer’s point of view further. It is also known as argumentative essay writing! 

Compare and Contrast Essays

This essay examines the similarities and disparities between two or more topics. Providing readers with an understanding of their characteristics and connections.

Cause and Effect Essays

These essays analyze the origins of an event and the results that followed. They attempt to demonstrate the link between different aspects and the causal relationship between them.

Process Essays

Process essays provide readers with a step-by-step guide to accomplish a particular goal or complete a task. They offer directions and explanations in a straightforward manner.

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Reflective Essays

Reflective essay writing requires the author to reflect upon a particular experience or event. Also, to express their ideas, emotions, and reflections on it. Hence encourage reflective thinking and self-evaluation.

Informative Essays 

Informative essay writing focuses on facts about a certain subject to inform the reader without giving out their opinions or arguments.

Synthesis Essays 

In synthesis essay writing, you combine different sources or views to form a single argument, showing that you understand different sides of an issue.

Analytical Essays 

Analytical essay writing gives an in-depth look at a subject, going over all the details and exploring all the different aspects of it. Thus, provides a more profound understanding than what’s just on the surface.

Evaluation Essays

Evaluation essay writing looks at the good and bad of a certain topic, like a book, movie, or product. You decide what’s good and bad about it and why based on evidence.

Definition Essays

Definition essay writing thoroughly explains terms, concepts, or ideas. These go beyond the basic dictionary definition to discuss the various ways time can be interpreted.

Cause and Effect Essays 

Cause and effect essay writing examines the causes and effects of an event or action. It is a way to look into how things happen, showing how one event or action leads to another. Analyzing patterns and connections helps to understand how things are related and how they fit together.

Critical Essays 

Critical essay writing analyzes and examines works of art, literature, or concepts. It looks at the positives, negatives, and implications of them while taking into account broader contexts.

essay writing

Components of a Good Essay

A well-crafted essay comprises several essential components that work harmoniously to create a coherent, compelling, and impactful piece of writing. Let’s explore each of these components in detail, along with examples:


The start of an essay is the entry point. It draws the reader in and sets the tone for the rest of the piece. It can be done through a captivating sentence or thought-provoking question. 

A thesis statement in the introduction is vital to outline the main point or purpose of the essay. The example below will illustrate how to start an essay.


“Imagine a world where machines surpass human intelligence, reshaping our societies and challenging our very existence. It is the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), a rapidly evolving technology that has sparked intense debates on its potential benefits and dangers. 

In this essay, we will focus on the impact of AI on various industries and its implications for humanity’s future.”

Main Body

The essay should provide a well-structured and well-supported argument that follows a logical progression. Each paragraph should have a focused point backed up with evidence, examples, or data. Transitions between paragraphs should be seamless.


Paragraph for the Impact of AI on Healthcare

In the medical world, AI has become a real game-changer, revolutionizing how patients receive treatment and diagnosis. AI-based algorithms can quickly process vast amounts of medical info, helping spot illnesses early and determine the proper diagnosis.

Counter Arguments

To make the essay more convincing, it’s a good idea to bring up any arguments against the author’s opinion and then prove them wrong with solid facts and figures. That way, it looks like they’ve taken a fair look at both sides of the story, and it makes them look more trustworthy.


“While the potential advantages of AI in healthcare are undeniable, skeptics argue that widespread AI implementation may lead to job losses for medical professionals. However, studies have shown that AI complements rather than replaces human expertise.

Medical practitioners can focus on more complex tasks while AI handles routine data analysis, leading to increased efficiency and better patient outcomes.”


In the end, you should summarize all the main points discussed in the essay and reiterate your thesis statement. You want to leave your reader with an impactful, lasting impression and may even suggest further ideas or advice.


To wrap it up, AI has opened the door to a world of opportunities and difficulties for many fields, especially healthcare. We have to make sure we use AI wisely and consider its ethical and social effects if we want to make the most of it for the good of people.

As we move towards the future, finding a balance between technology and humanity will decide what type of world we create for future generations.

Language and Style

An essay should be written using straightforward language that avoids being too complicated or using any confusing jargon. The tone and style should stay consistent in order to be appropriate for the audience and the purpose it’s intended for.

Proper Citations and References

Incorporating credible sources and providing proper citations and references strengthens the essay’s credibility. Doing this step also acknowledges the work of others.


According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (Smith et al., 2021), AI-powered algorithms demonstrated an accuracy rate of over 90% in diagnosing rare diseases.

How to Write an Essay 

You should know that writing an essay is a structured process that requires careful planning, organization, and effective communication. Here are some essay writing tips with examples to illustrate each stage: 

Understand the Assignment

Before getting started on your writing, ensure you read and understand the essay question or instructions for the assignment. Figure out what you need to write about, the kind of essay you need to write, and any instructions your teacher gave you.

Plus, if you have an option to pick one from different topics for essay writing, go for one that has enough data available as supporting evidence.


Essay Prompt: “Discuss the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.”

Brainstorm and Plan

Take some time to think of ideas and make a solid outline for the essay. Figure out the main points that back up your main idea and organize them in a way that makes sense.




A) Hook: Start with a thought-provoking statistic or quote about social media.

B) Thesis Statement: social media has transformed interpersonal relationships by reshaping communication patterns and shaping social behaviors.

Impact on Communication Patterns

A) Increased Connectivity: social media enables constant communication regardless of distance.

B) Changes in Communication Tone: Online interactions may differ from face-to-face communication.

Shaping Social Behaviors

A) Influence of social media on Decision-Making: Peer recommendations and influencers’ impact.

B) Social Media and Identity: How online platforms influence self-presentation.


A) Restate Thesis: Reiterate the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.

B) Final Thoughts: Reflect on the broader implications of these changes in modern society.

Write the Introduction

It’s essential to start off with something that will grab the reader’s attention and give them a good idea of what the essay will be about. You should also ensure that your thesis statement is clear and concise to outline the essay’s main argument.


“Social media has become an integral part of modern life. It is transforming the way we connect with others and shaping our social interactions. 

In this essay, we will explore the profound impact of social media on interpersonal relationships. Also delves into its influence on communication patterns and its role in shaping social behaviors.”

Develop the Main Body

In the main body of your writing, ensure each paragraph focuses on one idea and back it up with facts, examples, or research.


Paragraph on Increased Connectivity:

Long-distance relationships are a lot easier to manage since couples can stay in touch through messages and video calls. Thus, staying close and offering emotional support is easier and more convenient. Thanks to social media!

Address Counterarguments:

If appropriate, acknowledge counterarguments and refute them with solid evidence or reasoning.


“While some critics argue that social media isolates people from face-to-face interactions, research shows that it can also enhance offline relationships. Since social media strengthens existing connections and facilitates new ones.”

Write the Conclusion

Sum up the important points discussed in the essay and restate the thesis. It will help in leaving the reader with a lasting impression or broader insights.


“As we navigate the digital landscape of social media, its impact on interpersonal relationships continues to evolve. By understanding and adapting to these changes, we can harness the good side of social media to foster meaningful connections and enrich our social lives.”

Revise and Edit:

Review the essay for coherence, clarity, and proper structure. Edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors to ensure a polished final piece.

How to Format an Essay? 

It’s important to present your ideas neat and organized so they’re easy to read and make sense. Giving your essay the proper format adds to its overall presentation and makes it look more professional. 

Here’s how to format an essay:

Use the Appropriate Font and Font Size

Pick a font that is easy to read, like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and make sure it’s 12 pt. That way, everything looks nice and neat.

Set Page Margins

Ensure your document has a balanced and nice look by having one-inch margins.

Use Double Spacing

Make sure to give your essay some breathing room by double-spacing it. That includes the main text, any quotes, and the references. Doing this makes the essay easier to read and allows you to add notes or feedback if it’s for an assignment.

Create a Clear Title

Put the name of the essay at the top of the first page. Make it stand out using bold or bigger font size.

Include Page Numbers

Label all the pages starting with the second one in the top right corner. Leave the first page blank; no number is needed.

Align Text to the Left

Set the text alignment to left-justified for a clean and professional appearance.

Indent Paragraphs

Start each paragraph by indenting the first line by about half an inch or one tab space. This’ll help make it clear when one paragraph ends and another begins and make the text easier to read.

Separate Sections with Headings

If you’re writing an essay with many different parts, consider using headings and subheadings. Doing so will group the info and make it easier for people to read.

Use Italics or Quotation Marks for Titles

Italicize or employ quotation marks for titles of books, articles, films, or other significant works mentioned in the essay.

Follow Citation Guidelines

Ensure you use the correct citation system (like APA, MLA, or Chicago) for any external sources you use when writing your essay. It’s important to cite correctly so the original authors get proper credit.

Include a References or Works Cited Page

List all the sources you used in your essay and put it at the end. Arrange them alphabetically by the author’s surname or to the rules of the citation style you’re using.

Check for Consistency

Check over your essay to make sure it looks good and has the same font, headings, and citation style throughout. Having all the formatting consistent shows that you’ve put in attention to detail and you’re serious about your work.

Essay Writing Examples 

Here are a few essay writing examples to demonstrate different types of essays:

Narrative Essay Example (Extract)

Title: “A Journey of Self-Discovery”


“I was right at the edge of the cliff, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration. It wasn’t just a physical experience; it was a journey of learning about myself. I inhaled deeply and knew that the only way to challenge my anxieties and accept my true self was to dive into the unfamiliarā€¦”

In this narrative essay, the writer shares a personal experience and takes the reader on a journey filled with emotions and introspection.

Argumentative Essay Example (Extract)

Title: “The Impact of Technology on Human Interaction”


“Advances in technology have resulted in a big shift in how humans communicate and interact. Evidence suggests that it has caused a decrease in face-to-face interactions and increased isolation. This essay will explore the potential negative impacts of technology on human relationships. Also, elaborate on the importance of finding a balance in the digital ageā€¦”

In this argumentative essay, the writer presents a clear thesis statement and supports it with logical evidence to persuade the reader of their viewpoint.

Descriptive Essay Example (Extract)

Title: “The Enchanting Sunrise”


“The sun’s initial beams reached the edge of the sky, waking up the world with a mix of colors. There was an orange, pink, and gold sky, and the dew on the grass glimmered like jewels. The serene beauty of the sunrise held my heart, giving me a deep feeling of amazement and admirationā€¦”

In this descriptive essay, the writer uses vivid language and sensory details for painting a picture of a serene sunrise. Thus, creating a captivating and immersive experience for the reader.

Expository Essay Example (Extract)

Title: “The Life Cycle of a Butterfly”


“The life cycle of a butterfly is interesting, featuring four different phases: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Each part of the process is essential for transforming a small caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly that adds color and elegance to our gardens.”

In this expository essay, the writer provides factual information and explains the process of a butterfly’s life cycle, educating the reader about the subject.

Common Essay Writing Tasks for Students 

A student is often engaged in the following writing tasks. 

Opinion Essay

Opinion essay writing expresses the writer’s viewpoint on a specific topic, supported by reasoning and evidence.

Dissertation Essay

A dissertation essay is a comprehensive and original research document. It is often a requirement for advanced degrees.

Biography Essay

Biography essay writing narrates the life journey and significant events of a person. Provides insights into their character and impact.

College Essay

A personal statement or essay submitted during college admissions. A college essay showcases the applicant’s qualities and aspirations.

History Essay

History essay writing is all about analyzing historical events, periods, or figures. The facts in this essay are supported by evidence and critical analysis.

Psychology Essay

In psychology essay writing, we explore psychological theories, experiments, or phenomena.

Political Science Essay

A political science essay writing examines political systems, ideologies, and policies. Such essays often require critical evaluation and argumentation.

Biology Essay

In biology essay writing, we focus on biological concepts, research, and discoveries. It provides insights into living organisms.

Physics Essay

Physics essay writing explores principles of physics, theories, or experiments. It aims to explain natural phenomena.

Chemistry Essay

Chemistry essay writing discusses chemical properties, reactions, or applications, backed by scientific evidence.

Computer Science Essay

Computer science essay writing investigates topics related to computer technology, programming, or algorithms.

Law Essay

Law essay writing analyzes legal issues, cases, or principles, applying legal reasoning and citing relevant statutes and cases.

Nursing Essay

The nursing essay writing addresses nursing practices, patient care, or healthcare policies based on evidence-based research.

Finance Essay

A finance essay writing discusses financial concepts, markets, or investment strategies. It often involves data analysis.

Sociology Essay

Sociology essay writing explores social structures, cultural phenomena, or sociological theories.

Free Essay Writing Tools for Students 

Luckily students can access many tools today that will assist their writing. Let’s discuss a few top free essay writing tools


Grammarly is a popular writing assistant that looks over grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It also gives tips to help make sentences clearer and more structured. 

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway helps learners make their essays easier to understand by highlighting long sentences, too many adverbs, and passive voice. It’s all about making the write-up easy to read.

A thesaurus can be a great tool to boost your vocabulary and come up with different words to express the same idea in writing. has a ton of words and synonyms to give your language some extra spice.

Google Docs

Google Docs is an excellent online word processor that allows people to collaborate in real time. It makes it much simpler for students to cooperate on group projects or get teacher feedback.


Evernote is an excellent note-taking app for students. It lets you keep all your research, ideas, and sources in one spot, so you can create a neat outline before you even start writing your essay.


Zotero is a fantastic tool to help students collect, organize, and cite sources in different formats. It makes creating bibliographies a breeze and guarantees that the referencing is spot on.


Canva is an excellent tool for students to make their work look more impressive. It’s a graphic design platform that lets you create attractive presentations and infographics to accompany essays. It’s a great way to make your work look more professional and engaging.

Cite This for Me

Cite this for me helps in creating citations in various formats like APA, MLA, and Chicago. Just enter the source details, and it’ll do the work for you! It’s a great time-saver and guarantees accuracy.

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Essay writing is a fundamental element of academics, career paths, and personal development. To write a good essay, Knowledge of the basics is essential. Also, you need to craft strong introductions and solid arguments and exhibit creativity.

Importantly, essay writing is a skill, and it will only improve with practice. So, ensure you devote proper time to it regularly.

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