The Power Of The Pen: Write An Editorial That Matters

Editorials are the best ways to persuade the masses to accept and act on your opinion. To write an editorial, you must do extensive research to provide an unbiased point of view to your audience. Therefore, an editorial assignment is among the students’ toughest and most nerve-racking experiences.

This blog will provide complete information on the ins and outs of composing an editorial, whether you’re a student or a newbie in journalism. Don’t sweat it if you cannot understand this guide; you may look for the best essay writing services to do the job. Let’s unravel the mystery of editorials in a simplified way.

What is an Editorial?

Editorials are articles published in magazines, newspapers, or online blogs that discuss trendy topics and shape public opinion. These articles are sanctioned by the editorial board, which consists of editors and managers of the publication. After they agree on the topic, the article is written and presented to the audience.

The main objective of an editorial is not to discuss a topic objectively but rather subjectively. Editorial articles promote an idea, reshape public opinion, and persuade readers to do a specific action. This way, prominent newspapers like The New York Times get to change the audience’s mind with their articles. Editorials and op-eds use persuasive words to convince the readers through the author’s arguments and evidence. This is why editorials are considered the most prominent driving force or factor in shaping public opinion.

How to Write an Editorial?

We all are familiar with this million-dollar question “How to write an editorial”? Journalism students know it’s challenging and requires hours of work, brainstorming and approval time from the publication’s board members. The work and steps are so lengthy that even the experts need help. Today, we will provide the best and time-tested steps to help you write your first editorial. All these steps are similar to what you see in a persuasive essay, but you need to tweak them for editorial format. Let’s dive in and explore the world of journalism and editorial writing.

Select a Trendy & Hot Topic

You must choose a hot and trendy topic to write a meticulous editorial. It doesn’t matter whether the topic is related to politics, defense, celebrities or corruption charges–as long as it serves the purpose, it’s good to go. Since everyone loves to talk about new trends, memes or geopolitical shifts in policies, it’s recommended to choose a topic fresh out of the oven that everyone is talking about. It helps you to capture your audience through your editorial essay.

A topic that is the talk of the town helps you reach your audience in a turbo-charged mode way more quickly than older or out-of-fashion ones. This way, even your first editorial in a newspaper example will entertain them. Choosing a hot topic is logical; your audience usually gravitates toward it like bees to a honeypot.

Start Deep Research on The Topic

After you select the topic for writing an editorial, the time for thorough and sturdy research starts. You need to dip deep into a topic where you can see all the good and bad and form your thesis after comprehensive research. It’s essential to make notes while researching the subject. This way, you can filter out irrelevant information and keep only the best for presenting your opinion.

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While researching, you should also look for editorial writing examples related to your topic and see how the author has presented the arguments. You’ll not only get a head start in your work, but your work will be cut short by a significant margin. After you collect all the pieces of information, you now have a clear road and your stance to prove yourself.

Make a Clear Stance

Having groundbreaking research helps you build your narrative, and your stance is built on those research points. When you have enough information to support your arguments throughout the context, choose two to three main points and make a stance on them. A firm stance will only help you spread your message to its designated audience but also helps in making sure deviation is less likely to occur.

Any journalist who has previously written a newspaper editorial example they are famous for their critical stance. This is where your logical and evidence base opinion makes a difference. So choose a firm stance on any controversial topic, such as the editorial example on abortion rights etc. This way, your editorial will get a well deserve attention; also, you’ll make a name out of this write-up.

Storm The Reader’s Mind with Strong Arguments

You can present your arguments to your readers with solid research and evidence base stance. With clear and concise arguments, winning your audience’s trust and igniting their interest becomes easy as cake. Be careful; your audience might be more informed than you credit them; thus, be ready to storm their minds with stellar examples and evidence.

Additionally, as a writer of an editorial article, your mind will be tested by various counter-arguments. Make sure you have enough on your plate that will suffice the needs of your audience. Since you are presenting your editorial and not attending a debate, you need to present your supporting evidence in an organized way. Likewise, save the best and knock-out punch for the last paragraph.

An argument composed of words full of quality and persuasion penetrates the mental barriers of your audience and makes an example of an editorial writing appealing.

Engage Readers Right from the Start

The best way to write an editorial is to engage your readers right from the first sentence. This strategy allows you to provoke emotions in your audience as soon as they start reading the editorial section of a newspaper. You may start your editorial examples by adding these essential points to engage your readers. Let’s navigate these points for comprehensive understanding.

Start with a Hook Sentence

Grabbing the audience’s attention is difficult, especially when they might be busy looking at other newspaper sections. You must start the first sentence with a hook to capture their attention. You may use a quote from a famous author or a book that perfectly matches your topic. As a journalist or journalism student, you’ll have many options to make your hook sentence as intriguing as possible. 

Present Background Information

After starting your editorial article example, present some background information on the topic that informs your readers. Using background information helps you present details with a historical context and makes your arguments and contents more digestible. 

Background context helps readers understand the presence of the problem, its history and previous steps taken to address it. This way, the actions you’ve taken to address it would be justified in readers’ eyes.

Challenge the Norms with Your Thesis Statement

As soon as your audience is informed about the historical context, present your thesis that should be entirely based on evidence, logic and precision. A thesis statement is the research’s crux that will trigger their emotions, and your narrative is entirely made up of its context. It’s concise but carries depth and command over the subject with a powerful punch. 

For developing a thesis, you need to read at least ten credible sources of information. You may choose from books, expert opinions, interviews and journals to create a thesis backed by irrefutable evidence. 

While writing a thesis, you must remember to make it challenging and controversial but based on proof. Doing this gives you an open field to present your editorial on any current political, social or psychological issue.

Place Arguments, Counter-arguments in Body Paragraphs

An essential step in writing a newspaper editorial is to place your arguments in the body paragraphs. The body part is an important section and displays your entire work (arguments, counter-arguments) to your readers. Start with a topic sentence summarizing your paragraph’s content in short, then debate the issue. 

Adding a narrative or story from both sides is important to legitimize the entire debate, and this is where the expertise of essay writers can be particularly valuable. Keep the heavyweight argument for the last paragraph – it’s a strategic move to leave a lasting impression. After incorporating your side of the research, meticulously outline all the counter-arguments related to the topic. This holistic approach not only highlights your understanding of the subject but also showcases your commitment to a thorough examination of the issue. 

After you complete this structure, present the rebuttal of the entire discussion and refute all the claims other authors have given on the topic. Finally, to end the discussion and prove your dominance, throw the last punch or most valid argument in your rebuttal. 

After presenting a rebuttal against the counter-arguments, you must end the paragraph and write your final or concluding remarks. Thus, you end the discussion by proving your stance and arguments are superior, and there’s no room for more discussion.

Conclude the Editorial with Final Remarks

The final step of writing an editorial is to end your discussion with a closing sentence or final remarks. You provided all the details with irrefutable evidence and undisputed arguments; it’s time to end the debate for good. You must also restate your thesis statement that correlates to your article. Repeating the same words is unnecessary; you can modify your words to make your thesis more appealing to the audience. 

After restating the thesis, make your readers realize your arguments are valid in light of your provided evidence. Use persuasive language to make them accept your narrative version and end your best example of an editorial article.

Revise & Edit as Per Need

The last thing you must do is proofread your work for typos, grammar mistakes and lack of cohesion. Revision is a must-do step to avoid complaints from your editorial team for mistakes, etc. You may check your article against the outline you created for any missing details or relevancy issues. It’s best to ask your colleagues or classmates for quick feedback on your work to have a different perspective. This will help you improve and provide feedback from the reader’s point of view. 

After highlighting the mistakes, make a new draft based on the suggested edits to refine your article. Now your article is clear, concise and mistake-free. Submit the document for further proofreading by editors and publication.

Top 10 Editorial Topics for Students

Here are the top 10 editorial topics that can be used for articles by students and journalists. 

  • Students debt crisis 

  • Integration of AI into science and technology

  • ChatGPT’s Role in academic learning

  • Young adults lack of interest in joining the armed forces

  • Rise of far-right governments in Europe and America

  • Evolution of computer technology

  • Failure of the UN to impose economic sanctions on Russia

  • Ukraine war impact on future wars

  • Syria refugee crisis

  • Illegal immigration via boats to Europe

How to Write an Editorial Example

Students worried about this task need to study examples of editorials for a thorough understanding. We will share an editorial example for students to ease their stress and speed up their work. Read the following paragraph for more information;

“Since the start of the industrial revolution, humans have become the biggest cause of environmental pollution. Today, air pollution causes 11.65% of deaths each year globally. CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels have reached the highest point, and there seems to be no point of return.

We must work on making our world a better place for future generations. We may achieve this by making a complete ban on the use of plastics and their derivatives. Furthermore, electrifying cars and our daily commutes will significantly reduce our carbon footprint. We can ensure a safe future by following these steps and changing our plastic-use habits.”

We are confident after reading this example of an editorial, students will write their articles easily with fewer challenges.

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An editorial is an article written by an expert editorial team of a newspaper, magazine etc. These articles persuade the audience to take a certain step or action. Although editorials are evidence-based, the writing style is based on subjective reporting rather than objective.

An Editorial style uses persuasive language and convinces the audience to accept the writer's claim. Editorials also present a newspaper or publisher's policies towards a certain topic and are typically based on evidence but subjective opinion.

Editorial writing is a skill sought after by journalists around the world. It's a part of creative writing and deploys persuasion as a primary tool for conveying messages to its target audience. It's a must-have skill for journalism and literature students.

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