3 Outstanding Compare and Contrast Essay Examples To Nail College Assignments

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

College assignments are challenging, especially when students complete multiple tasks simultaneously. However, one step is even more troublesome when you have to compare and contrast essay examples for your paper.

Don’t worry. We are not trying to scare you because our essay writers are here to help you. Yes, we are giving you complete write-ups of 3 full-scale compare and contrast essay examples. These examples ensure an A+ grade on the first attempt. So without wasting much of your time, here are contrast essay topics:

What Is A Compare and Contrast Essay Example?

Before you send a request for a contrast essay example or jump right to the example part, it’s essential to know what a compare and contrast essay is. Why are these essays so important to write for higher education studies, and why are they used throughout the top universities? A simple answer would be more complex than you’d thought.

But let us define the writing process in a concise answer. Compare means evaluating one subject with another similar subject. Contrast means differences between these two subjects.

A comparison essay compares two or more subjects bound by similarities and dissimilarities. For example, a horse and a mule are both animals and share many qualities but also have some core differences. Their contrast points provide a deeper understanding to the audience.

Contrast essays are used widely worldwide for strengthening the results of higher education. Also, College or university professors use contrast essay structure to evaluate how much a student has learned. These tasks give a blueprint of the areas for improvement in a student.

In this way, students are assigned research paper assignments and grades based on their performance and understanding. Evaluating two or more objects in the point-by-point method opens students’ minds to unexpected similarities and dissimilarities. A contrast structure evaluates two subjects of the same category by two methods.

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay Example

Hinduism and Buddhism are one of the biggest religions in the world, with more than 2 billion followers. Together they share many similarities, and for many, they are different names of the same religion. Both religions have a significant global influence as well.

On the other hand, according to religious affairs experts, there are also many dissimilarities. Both religions have more than 300 years between them, setting some apart on many core beliefs. These differences and similarities will be the focus of this discussion, from origins to the core set of doctrines.

Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism

Since the dawn of time and human civilization, many religions have come and gone after the end of practicing civilizations. The role religions continue to play has never ended or slowed down and still plays a key role in our lives.

A similar role played a pivotal step in the south Asian country “India,” where about 4000 years ago Hinduism originated. However, Hinduism existed in other forms, such as Vedism, that shared many similarities. Later on, Vedism developed into Hinduism, with religious practices carried over with some modifications. 

Today Hinduism is the world’s biggest religion, with more than 1.45 billion followers. Many religious events of Hinduism, such as Diwali, Holi, Makar Sankranti, etc., are celebrated in India and worldwide. 

Similarly, Buddhism is a renowned religion in south Asia that originated approximately 2500 years ago in today’s India and Nepal. Siddhartha Gautama was the leading worship figure and the region’s wealthy prince. 

After seeing the poor suffering from diseases and financial burdens, he distributed his wealth. He went on to become a beggar and meditated under a Bodhi tree. He achieved enlightenment after 49 days. Thus, Buddhism came into its existence.

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Similarities and Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism

To understand the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s essential to know what a compare and contrast essay is. Many people think Hinduism and Buddhism are the same. In reality, they are far from the same. The following differences will explain how they differ in many key areas.

Polytheism vs Atheism Beliefs

The biggest and most prominent religious beliefs between these two religions are polytheism and atheism. Hindus believe in many gods, deities, etc. Whereas Buddhism has no god.

Hinduism encourages polytheism and many gods concepts. Prominent Hindu gods include Shiva (the God of destruction), Parvati (the Goddess of mountains), and Shiva’s wife. Other gods in Hinduism are Lakshmi, Ganesh, Saraswati, Shakti, etc. 

On the contrary, Buddhism has no deity, God. Goddesses or powerful beings that you need to worship. Buddhism encourages achieving the divine through meditation and enlightenment. There’s no deity you need to worship or make it/them happy by performing certain acts. 

Although there are many differences in beliefs, there are also many similarities. Reincarnation is the one belief that connects both of these religions. Both Hindus and Buddhists believe they are born and reborn again and again. At the same time, other monotheistic religions believe in one God, Deity, etc., and one life cycle. 

Buddhism and Hinduism have a collective stance on a continuous cycle of birth until one gets enlightenment or Nirvana. Although this aspect has minor differences, the core belief remains the same.

Common Beliefs in Karma, Dharma, Moksha, and Reincarnation

Hinduism and Buddhism share common religious beliefs or doctrines. Common beliefs such as Karma, meaning what you do, will affect you in your next and current life. For example, if you hurt someone, surely you will suffer the same fate. Or if you have stolen something, you will go through the same process.

Dharma refers to the natural or cosmic law that an individual must adhere to and obey by all means. Hinduism and Buddhism both share the same interpretation of this principle. Being righteous is one’s duty in Hinduism and Buddhism. It helps to keep society on the right path by accepting the rules.

Moksha is a term used in various south Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism, and with a variation in Sikhism. It means to achieve enlightenment and freedom from worldly desires and needs. Primarily it is used in Hinduism and Buddhism and links to reincarnation. Moksha is the word used only in the Hindu religion, and Nirvana is its synonym for Buddhist beliefs.

Reincarnation, or Samsara, is a continuous cycle of life and death of humans. Hindus and Buddhists commonly see life as a cycle that ends and starts again with new circumstances. Hindus called it Samara and considered it essential to believe this point firmly. In Buddhism, this is their fundamental belief to achieve Nirvana or eternal enlightenment.

Differences In 4 Common Beliefs

Both religions have many common things and shared doctrines. There are also significant differences between the same beliefs as well.

For example, in Buddhism, you can break the cycle of reincarnation by achieving enlightenment. But in Hinduism, you cannot break this cycle; only higher castes can achieve that. Hinduism has a caste system that ensures only higher caste or religiously upper classes get to have all the privileges.

On the other hand, there is no caste system in Buddhism. Everyone can achieve Nirvana by being truthful, honest, and causing no harm to others.

Similarly, there’s a big difference between Karma as well. Hindus also visit temples and pray to their gods in this aspect. If Hindus don’t come to the temple and pray (puja), they will face the wrath of the gods and be punished accordingly. Meanwhile, in Buddha’s teaching, a person is punished only for evil deeds and rewarded for good ones.

Dharma is also different in both religions. Hinduism refers to living and practicing according to a person’s caste and traditions. On the contrary, Buddhism is focused on practicing and living by following Buddha’s teachings.

Moksha, as mentioned above, is the same as Nirvana, but both have different demands. Moksha can be achieved with worldly happiness, money, and resources. In Buddhism, Nirvana is only achieved when you give up luxurious life and adopt austerity.

So achieving enlightenment/Nirvana/Moksha is different in both religions. Timelines between both religions also played a significant role in different histories.


Using a reliable assignment writing service, we can explain the major differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. We can easily distinguish between its origins and its fundamental beliefs.

Opposite to common beliefs, these two religions are not common and have entirely different perspectives. Therefore, Hinduism and Buddhism have some commonalities and big differences. In short, they differ from what we thought them to be.

Egypt and Mesopotamia Compare and Contrast Essay


Egypt and Mesopotamia are the world’s ancient civilizations that share a rich history among historians. These two civilizations laid the foundations of modern advancements in all aspects. Starting from agriculture, irrigation, and architecture that have been followed till now.

These two civilizations shared very different timelines of cultural global spheres. Excavations from the early sixteenth and twentieth centuries showed these civilizations’ magnificence.

Many people think they are the same civilizations due to the proximity of their origins. However, there are many differences between them. Other than geography and time, they have many cultural differences between them as well. These differences include religious, social, economic, and financial ones. Some of the shared similarities and dissimilarities are mentioned below.

How are Mesopotamia and Egypt Similar

Egypt and Mesopotamia were ancient civilizations in today’s Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Egypt. They both were related, but they had different timelines. Mesopotamia existed before Egypt. Many prominent Egyptian civilization core beliefs were adopted from the Mesopotamian empire. Here we will see how they were both similar and what aspects they have different from each other.

Mesopotamia was an ancient empire between two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates. It is also considered the dawn of human civilization and its recorded history. According to many historians, this empire existed in 12000 BCE based on the artifacts found at the site.

Mesopotamia was the home to many middle eastern civilizations. It was the world’s most advanced one at the time of its existence. Also, Mesopotamia held significant global influence and cultural diversity.

Babylon was a famous city and empire in Mesopotamia. It was famous for goods trading, hanging gardens, and engineering knowledge. This city was situated on the banks of the Euphrates river. It had abundant fertile land and crops that they used to sell to nearby areas.

Similarly, ancient Egypt was the wealthiest and most technologically advanced civilization. Their borders extend from today’s Israel to the south of Sudan and Somalia. Besides having riches in gold and crops, they were also advanced in mathematics and geometry.

Their language was hieroglyphics that they received from Mesopotamia’s Sumerian civilization. Latest historians find the Egyptian civilization existed around 3150 BC and continued after that.

Both civilizations were neighbors, and Egyptians adopted many techniques from Mesopotamia. These skills and knowledge include buildings, trades, etc.

The ancient Egyptian language is a modified version of the Babylonian hieroglyphic script. Other than the language, the Egyptian temples used by Pharaohs were also designed like the Mesopotamian temples.

Egyptians and Mesopotamians worshiped many gods, and praying to them was an essential part of their daily lives. They have a god of the sun, rain, harvest, treasures/happiness, etc. Their religious practices, such as presenting sacrifices to their gods, were also similar.

What Are the Differences Between Egypt and Mesopotamia?

Just like the similarities between these civilizations, there were also many differences. The difference between them was geography. Mesopotamia was located between the river plains of Tigris and Euphrates.

On the other hand, Egypt was located on the banks of the river Nile. They both were close neighbors, but their practices and beliefs were different.

For example, Mesopotamians faced many dry spells over their periods of rule over the region. On the contrary, Egyptians rarely faced famine or dry spells.

Also, Egyptians were closer to the Mediterranean sea and blessed with rain and fertile land. Therefore Egyptians have more resources to feed their people and spend on big buildings such as Pyramids.

Although Mesopotamians were also rich, they had many dry spells that lasted for months and years. Their focus was more on preserving and less on believing in their gods.

Therefore Babylonians were less religious than Egyptians. Egyptians were very religious, and their Pharaohs never considered going against their gods.

The social structure between Egypt and Mesopotamian empires was also different. In Egypt Pharaoh was at the top, along with the priests, government officials, army generals, etc. Common people and enslaved people were on the last.

Whereas a king ruled the Mesopotamian empire, priests had less importance in their society. Priests or religious leaders were below the government officials or elites of the society. 

Another major difference between these two civilizations is the cultivation techniques. Egyptians lived on the banks of the river Nile. They had plenty of fertile lands and thus used simplified agriculture technology.

On the contrary, Mesopotamians had deserts and fertile land combined. They resorted to advanced agricultural techniques. This forced them to use sophisticated ways that Egyptians adopted later on.

Economic Differences Between Mesopotamia and Egypt

Besides cultural, religious, and technological differences, the economy was also a big difference between them. The Egyptian economy was much more stable than the Mesopotamian empire. Mesopotamia relied heavily on its agriculture and garments exports, but Egyptians had crops, gold, and a superior workforce to Mesopotamia.

The Mesopotamian empire often suffered from famine, weakening its economy more than the neighboring regions. Although Egypt also suffered the same as well. Egyptians quickly overcame such occurrences and stabilized their economy rapidly.

Mesopotamia existed between the two rivers of Tigris and Euphrates; they developed their empire only between this region. On the other hand, Egyptians expanded their empire from the north to half of Africa. Egyptians conquered many neighboring countries and became stronger militarily and economically.

Egypt also has vast reserves of gold in the Mount Sinai region. They sold gold ornaments and became economically stronger than the entire regional civilizations.


Although Egypt and Mesopotamia were situated in close geographical locations. They shared many similarities, from language to agriculture. Using a reliable opinion essay writing service explains the dissimilarities and similarities perfectly.

In hindsight, these civilizations started an evolution of human learning and achievements. They complement each other in many ways. They still serve as a reminder of continuous human evolution over thousands of years and beyond.

Compare and Contrast Essay Visual Art and Literary Art


Art has many names and explanations worldwide according to its use. Similarly, visual and literary art are terms used to express an artist’s opinion. Although they both are used the same and have many similarities, they are different if we look closely. Let’s evaluate both phenomena by understanding their similarities and their differences.

What is the Relationship Between Literature and Visual Arts?

Art is a broader term for a person’s creativity to express in visual or written form. Both literary and visual art depend on each other and complement each other in various ways. If we take the examples of Hollywood movies such as “Lord of the Rings,” “Harry Potter,” and “Fifty Shades of Grey,” they are all based on books or literary art. At the same time, a movie alone presents visual art.

The relationship between visual and literary art is too deep and complex to understand in a few hundred words. Today, we will look at some key similarities and dissimilarities between both mediums of expression. Doing this step will enable us to develop a thorough understanding of these widely used and appreciated forms of creativity.

Similarities Between Visual Art and Literary Art

In human evolution, visual art played a pivotal role in developing the mind and understanding in a wider context. Early civilizations started making inscriptions long before they started writing words. In South America and Africa, there are inscriptions more than 22000 years old. The relic inscriptions show how humans used to draw pictures with different elements.

Similarly, evolution, in the same way, has taught humans to write words or symbols, as we’ve seen in ancient Egypt. Visual art and literary art complement each other. Literary art resulted in Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe, etc.

Visual arts have played a significant role in inspiring writers worldwide. Many literary writers take inspiration from visual arts such as paintings, murals, and mosaics. So visual arts also invoke creativity in the artist and encourage meaningful writing.

In short, what visual art shows in a picture is the same as what literary art shows to its audience. This similarity can be seen in Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” and Dan Brown’s Novel “The Da Vinci’s Code.” Both the painting and novel explain the details about each other. So literary art cannot exist without visual arts or vice versa.

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Big Difference Between Visual Arts and Literary Arts

Although there are many similarities between visual arts and literary art, there are many common differences, also. We will discuss these dissimilarities one by one here.

Visual art is all about appealingly showing a picture and painting to demonstrate an artist’s imagination. We’ve barely seen a picture based on facts or research. In contrast, literary art requires thorough research and information to write a book, novel, or short story.

Visual art only represents a pictorial view. This method cannot include appropriate information for its audience. The audience needs to help understand the context and reason behind the action. Meanwhile, literary art shows passion, reason, and details to help understand the writer’s motives.

Another major difference between visual and literary art is their variations. Visual artwork is used in paintings, drawings, mosaics, murals, puppet shows, movies, dramas, etc. Literary artwork has only one form, and that is written content only.

For example, written art can be seen in poems, novels, short stories, biographies, etc.

So the presentation is different, but the expression remains the same. But in visual arts, context and presentation are different in all types.


To conclude the essay, visual art has many similarities with literary art, but its core differences are quite big. We can use college essay writing services for thorough understanding. We can brainstorm similarities and dissimilarities with a clear mind for background context.


So, college students, we have shown you some of the best compare and contrast essay examples. Now you can easily write the content you need for your graded assignment.

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