How To Write A Personal Statement? New Year’s Guide For All Students

How To Write A Personal Statement

We know you all have dreams to achieve, and college is the only platform that makes them come true. We know there’s a long list of top universities and colleges in every student’s drawer or cupboard. We bet it will be just like sending an admission application, and after a few days, you will be selected. Right? Sadly, that’s not how students get admission to top graduate schools. You need to make a compelling personal statement that blows the mind of admission officers.

So what are you going to do? Do you know how to write a personal statement? Even if you do, you will still need to complete some essential steps. This blog is focused on making you a star in front of the admission committee. So are you ready to fast-track your application process? Read the blog in easy steps to get the best out of your academic accomplishments. So let’s start the journey of personal growth.

What Is A Personal Statement?

What Is A Personal Statement?

Many students use a personal statement along with college applications for admissions. It shows the capabilities of high school learners and the capabilities they acquired during their past or present studies.

Can you write personal statements, or do you need help from a personal statement writing service? It is new terminology for most new students, but we will keep feeding you helpful information so you have no doubts.

An outstanding personal statement is a college essay explicitly composed to get the reader’s attention. You can write on any topic in your own words that are suitable and broad enough to be worthy of discussion. In short, writing personal statements is not just an art but a highly technical skill most students lack. This is why they need professional writers to write a personal statement.

How To Write A Personal Statement In Short Steps

How To Write A Personal Statement In Short Steps

Students, this is a million-dollar question how to write a personal statement that will make your way easy to attend college? A great personal statement is a college application that impresses the admissions committee. So do you have the talent to compose a personal statement in big words without grammar mistakes? We know that even if you still have what it takes, you will be open to understanding its critical concepts.

Most students ask their friends or family members one question that is a cliche now. Can you guess it? Yes, that’s right, it’s “can you write my essay“? And after pleading for days and even weeks to them, you still get a mediocre university application.

Let’s join the club of elite writers and start writing for better test scores and college admissions. These two steps are mandatory for you to get the best result possible.

  1. Pre-Writing Phase of University Application or Scholarship Applications

  2. Writing Phase of Your Sample Essays

Let’s discuss these two methods of writing a personal statement in detail.

Pre-Writing Phase

Writing Phase

At this stage, you need to make ground or base for your personal statements or college essay. It would be best to have extensive critical thinking using mind maps and research at this stage.

By selecting a specific future career, you also need to define your life experiences, relevant skills, and what you want to achieve. Let’s take a closer look at how you can accomplish the pre-writing phase of a powerful personal statement.

Think About What Benefits College/ University Will Get By Your Admission

First and foremost, always think from the admissions officer and admissions committee perspective. What benefits their educational institute will get by accepting your application?

This question seems very easy to answer. You all think they will get tuition fees and all the dues you must pay to study. Right?

Well, it’s more challenging than it seems because hundreds and thousands of students are waiting to be accepted. You must prove that your test scores are above other students’ and that your goals are better aligned than other applicants.

Let us provide you with the best opening paragraph for this part.

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“I have achieved A+ in chemistry throughout my high school studies. By accepting my university application, you are choosing a chemistry topper. I will exceed your college’s standards and be a proven top student”.

The example, as mentioned earlier, clearly shows how passionate a candidate must be in revealing their skills and achievement to impress the admissions committee.

Define Your Career Goals In Your Statement

This is about what you aspire to achieve soon through your studies. A simple answer is sufficient enough for admission officers to get an idea of your mind. Look at the following example of a student’s college application career goals.

“I want to become a “Theoretical Physicist” by studying at Oxford University’s prestigious Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics.”

This example can be used for writing your personal statements for college applications. A statement like this conveys your interest to the admission officer for consideration. Your plans should align with your claim.

Show Your Personal Characteristics and Extracurricular Activities

Every student has a different set of personal characteristics. Some of these are in-built, and some are acquired through life experiences. Your attributes should be explicit in your personal statement examples or college essays. An example of this section of a compelling personal statement is the following.

“I have won 12 out of 15 chess games in my academic career and presented my school at the national level in 2012, which led to victory because of my in-built critical thinking”.

You must add your personal attributes and extracurricular activities in your application because it will showcase your capabilities as a student.

Write An Essay About Academic Discipline You Have Chosen

Before writing personal statements, you must select an essay that you will present as a sample for demonstration of your skills. The best way is to write about new ideas and information on your subject. For example, if you have the desire to get admission to NYU or MIT Astronomy or Astrophysics discipline, you can write an essay on the following topics:

  • James Webb Telescope and our new understanding of the universe.

  • Planetary movements and time dilation in the cosmos

Essays like these topics present all your ideas and show your versatility and skills openly.

Decide What Professional Career You Will Choose After Completing Studies

It would be best if you also thought about what professional career you will choose after your education. Since an effective personal statement is one that clearly shows what is your particular interest and aspirations. We will show you a short description of your personal career. It will let you understand how to make one in your personal statement.

“After completing my Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in banking and finance, I will pursue my career as a financial advisor at Goldman Sachs.”

We have given you one of the finest personal statement examples to guide you. So start writing your goals for choosing the career you like the most.

Writing Phase

Pre-Writing Phase

So we have reached the point where you will make an impression with your written words. The admissions officer and admissions committee will evaluate your personal statement with a critical eye. If your statement lacks essential components or specific details, you will not be getting admission.

But there is no need to take a step backward because you are in the hands of experts. By the end of this blog, you will be an expert at scholarship applications and job applications as well. So start your pens and jot down all new ideas and application materials to make you successful in getting a university acceptance letter. Let’s write.

Start Opening Paragraph With An Introduction

If you’re thinking about writing college essays, you should know how to write one. Similarly, best personal statements have a similar structure to college essays. The typical length of the intro usually depends on the type of statement and goals of a student. But a personal statement for college admission is 100 to 200 words long. Let us give you guys personal essay examples to make your day.

“I have been passionate about aerospace engineering since 5th grade when I read a chapter about Wright Brothers” and their achievement in making the first flying plane. This is why my prime focus is always on designing airplanes. I wanted to make a similar difference in every person’s life as Wright Brothers did. I have chosen to enhance my skills further by applying to your college’s aerospace engineering academic discipline.

I have won all the competitions in airplane history and designs. My grades are never below an A and mostly above A+. I have maintained my and featured in the school newspaper many times.”

This paragraph explains why you need a personal mission statement for a university application. Writing personal statements get easy following the example we provided for you.

Body Paragraph of Personal Statement

This section will contain the parts that will show what benefits the college or university will get. Your relevant skills must be sound and relatable to the overall goal of your chosen university. For example, if you are interested in marketing or want to pursue a career as a marketing manager, you should demonstrate your marketing skills.

Managing the length of the body part is very crucial. One or two-page personal statement can have two to three paragraphs or 400 words in the body paragraph.

We will give you more advice through the example for better understanding.

“As I have mentioned, I have achieved A and A+ grades throughout my senior year at the high school level. The same grades and achievements will be replicated in my results here. Accepting my college application/scholarship application will make you a top performer at every graduate school level.

I will make a name for myself, and my college/university will benefit from my academic accomplishments. My studies, intellect, and grades will be exemplary for future students”.

So, students, are you ready to write a great personal statement? Now that you know how to harness the power of personal mission statements, nothing can stop you.

How To Conclude Your Personal Statement

We have reached this far, so it’s just wrapping up your narrative. What you already mentioned, such as essential components of academic records and your statements, should persuade the admissions officer.

For the best conclusion, summarize your points in a few lines or a maximum of 100 words to persuade and create a point of agreement for admission officers. The use of creative and persuasive language is crucial in this section. Let’s compose a best personal statement concluding sentence.

“My test scores, relevant skills, and future career goals perfectly align with your institutional policies and standards. Based on the information provided in the above paragraphs, I’m confident my scholarship application/admission application is sufficient for consideration by the admissions committee.

I have complete confidence in your admissions officers’ selection decisions and unbiased opinions. I cannot wait to join your prestigious college/university”.

This is where you close the arguments and discussion about your college application. Do you think it’s all done? Not yet. One step is still pending, and that’s proofreading. Let’s see what we can do more to enhance the acceptance of your personal statements and college essays.

Proofread Your Personal Statement

After you complete all the composing work of your personal statement, it’s time for a proofreading session. You can take time off to evaluate its credibility with a fresh mind.

It’s essential to check the first draft for grammar mistakes, word count, and irregular character limits. This step can be completed with the help of a family member. You can also ask for assistance from an assignment writing service for better input. Additionally, missing specific details, plans, or a specific moment of achievement can be added to make your application more robust.

As soon as you complete this application process, it’s time to submit and wait for the answers from the admissions committee.

Complete Personal Statement Examples With A Strong Academic Record

Students, we present you with a gift of a written example of a personal statement. After seeing this, you will not be terrified of writing anything, whether it’s a story or a statement. This specimen will help you make the most out of your opportunity. So here it is.

“Since childhood, I have been interested in human anatomy and physiology. When every child was interested in drawing, I was busy looking at them and how each child used their hands to draw any character/subject. This curiosity has led me to study more about human organs and their functions. I have chosen the “Medical Doctor” field and achieved my primary objective.

I cleared my MDCAT in the first go and was effortlessly selected as a medical student. I have received accolades from medical school for my work in patient care. I have also been awarded a gold medal for completing MBBS with flying colors. After spending five years in medical school, I practiced for another three years as a “General Physician” in my locality.

Now that I have practically experienced treating hundreds of patients throughout these years, I want to pursue my fellowship in “Internal Medicine” at your prestigious college. I always dreamt of making it to the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). Now that I want to serve more efficiently, a fellowship program at your college will give me a new opportunity to help more patients.

My extraordinary achievements will benefit not only patients but also the name of this prestigious medical college. Like in MBBS, I will achieve the same feat in my fellowship program with a gold medal.

My academic record and the professional skills I acquired through the years are sufficient to accept my personal application. I would love to answer all the questions on my application to the college admissions committee.

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Students, we have given you all the relevant information that will help you now and in the future. Follow all the steps to make a blasting entry into your college by writing a remarkable personal statement. So are you ready or still making excuses? We know you are supercharged now. Let’s write and impress everyone.

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