Can you use I in a research paper? (Very Tricky Question)

Can you use I in a research paper

When writing a research paper, the first-person pronoun “I” refers to the author referring to themselves in their work. The old mindset did not allow for the inclusion of the first person in research, which, as a result, creates a challenge in balancing personal voice and formal objectivity in academic communication. 

Today’s writing has become more advanced, and different writing genres and experts encourage writers to add the first person to their research papers where it fits the most. Now, you don’t need to search more about whether can I use I in a research paper again.

In A Research Paper Can You Use I?

Different style guides recommend using first-person pronouns in academic and scientific writing. However, there is no reason you cannot use first-person pronouns in these writing genres. 

In fact, for many generations, writers have been discouraged from using “I” and “we” in academic books simply because of old habits. However, there is no reason we should think badly about using “I” in a research paper or any of these writing genres. 

So whenever you think about whether can you use I we us in a research paper, the answer is yes.

When Is It Okay To Use “I” In A Research Paper?

Can you use the word I in a research paper? This is a question many research paper writers ask. Below are some situations in which using the first-person pronoun in your paper is okay.

  • When you have to declare the context without using passive voice, make it more relatable and easier to understand.
  • When you have to institute authenticity and individual credibility
  • to show appeal to a topic (usually seen in quick communication).
  • To develop sentiments with readers on a personal level, especially in cases when it is related to hypothetical scenarios.
  • When discussing existing literature, it is important to stress and resolve your point of view. Using first-person pronouns could be helpful in this situation.
  • Communicate directly with the reader to establish intellectual harmony and emotionally stress your point of view.

Note: Suppose you want to write your research paper using first-person pronouns but don’t know how to use them. Worry not; we list the best narrative essay topics you can try practicing in writing first-person form.

Situations When You Should Avoid “I” In A Research Paper

  • In a research paper can you use I to express your opinions? The simple answer is no, as it would remove the objectivity and endanger the authenticity of the paper. For example, “I believe” is an opinionative term, so avoid it, but you can get help from I believe essay topics to start practicing in writing first person.
  • When you want to minimize bias and maintain an objective tone.
  • When you generally want to express your thoughts. For example: “I think that situation here….”.

How Experts Use First Person  In Their Research

According to studies, experts use first-person pronouns like (I and we), when they want to make their research more persuasive to the reader. For Example, Nigel Harwood (2007) asked political scientists to add first-person pronouns in their articles. Surprisingly, these scientists identified the reasons for using the first person in their articles.

  • To include the reader
  • To make their writing more effective and friendly to the reader
  • To qualify the claim (I think)
  • To take out the research methods(I sample)
  • To make their research more valuable and original ((We present new results …)
  • To add personal comments

Harward 2005 also found the same purposes for a first-person when he analyzes the writing from (Business and Management, Computing Science, Economics, and Physics). Writers use “I” and “We” in their research papers to show the core value of their work to the readers. 

The study has cleared your thoughts about whether can you use I and me in a research paper. Now, it’s time to dive deep and see what experts advise on using first-person pronouns.

Experts’ Advices On Can You Use The Word I In A Research Paper

Expert advice is the best way to understand whether you can use “I” or “We” in a research paper. Below, we have mentioned some advice with examples from the best writing styles and university researchers. Let’s see how they incorporate the first person in their works.

APA Style Writing

APA states that there is a myth from old times that using I and We in research papers is not considered good, so most writers don’t use the first person in APA style writing. 

Furthermore, they clearly say there is no restriction on writing in the first person as they always encourage the writer to use (I and We) where they best fit. People still ask if can I use I in research paper. Here are some examples from the APA style.

Example for the word “I”I explored treatments for social anxiety.
Example of the Word “We”As young adults, we often worry about what others think of us. I explored my own experience of social anxiety.

Bonus Tip: APA style allows you to use (I and We) in your research paper, but before that, learn how to write an introduction paragraph about yourself, as this will help you a lot in writing your research paper in first person pronoun.

MLA Style Writing

According to a series of MLA, Michael Kandel recommends that using I in a research paper is not a rule to follow. The use of the first person entirely depends on the writer. Furthermore, he provides some examples of where can I use I in a research paper.

When you disagreeYou can use I when you disagree with an author’s statement and want to stress that you are not waving the flat truth
How You teachYou can use I when you describe how you teach something and how the student reacts.
DiscoveryUse of I in the situation when you discover something new

Walden University

Walden University comes in front to answer the question about can you use I or we in a research papers. They state that you can use the first person singular pronoun (I) to describe your research steps or what you will explain in the paper. 

But always avoid using “I” to make a personal opinion in your research, like (I feel, I found). Below are two appropriate examples of using the word I in your research paper.

Example 1I surveyed 2,900 adults who consumed white bread regularly.
Example 2In this chapter, I present a literature review on research about how seasonal light changes affect depression.

Always remember that understanding writing mechanics is key to effectively using first-person pronouns.

Research Paper Example Using First Person

Still confused about can you use I statements in a research paper. Worry not; we have provided a comprehensive example below to help you better understand how can I use I in a research paper in different sections.

Research Paper SectionFirst Person Examples
Abstract“We conducted a study to evaluate the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance.”
Introduction“In this paper, we examine the impacts of social media usage on academic performance among college students.”
Methods“We selected a sample of 200 participants from the university’s student body. We administered a survey to gather data on their social media habits and academic performance.”
Results“Our survey shows that students who spent more than three hours per day on social media had lower average GPAs compared to those students who used social media for less than one hour per day.”
Discussion“Our findings support the hypothesis that excessive social media use may be harmful to academic success.”
Conclusion“In conclusion, our study demonstrates a clear link between social media usage and academic performance.”
References“We have followed the APA style for citations and references. Our references section includes all sources we have cited throughout this paper.”

As the examples above show, the first person can be used to communicate the research method, results, and interpretations of a research paper.

Get Your Research Paper Done With Expert Help

Writing a research paper can be challenging for writers, especially when using “I” and “we” forms. Students struggle with maintaining the right tone and perspective. They are often unsure when to add their voice and when to present objective findings.

This is where our best research paper writing service can make a significant difference. With expert knowledge and experience, our writers will guide you through each process step, ensuring your paper is well-structured and communicates your ideas in your tone.

Can I Use I In A Research Paper Query is Sorted!

Your confusion regarding how can I use I in a research paper must be clear now. Researchers who fear using “I” or “We” in their research papers because of old myths can use them now with a free mind. Our discussion has covered situations when “I” should be used and when not.

In addition, the examples at the end help you to incorporate the first-person pronouns without compromising your paper’s quality. If you write a research paper in the future, never forget to mention yourself as an author.


You can use I and We in your argumentative research paper, but only when describing the research steps or explaining what you will discuss in this paper. On the other hand, don't try to use the first person to express your opinion or feelings to the readers.

To maintain objectivity and formality, it is generally advisable to avoid using "I" in the discussion section. If you choose to use "I," make sure it enhances the clarity and quality of your discussion rather than detracting from it.

Most academic writing, including expedition, persuasive, and research papers, must be written in the third form (authorial tone) to persuade the reader rather than in "I" form, where you state your own experiences.

Generally, "I" or "we" can be used in introductions to tell the reader what you will discuss in the research paper.

Using the second person (you) can be confusing and awkward and may distract the reader from the main point of discussion, so if you are finding the answer to the question about can I use I and you in a research paper, it is recommended to avoid it.
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