Can Blackboard Detect Copy Paste? (If Yes! What’s the Hack)

learn can blackboard detect copy paste using blackboard safeassign checker

Yes, blackboard detect copy paste if you are dumb. But wait! blackboard will not detect your copy-paste text if you are smart enough to trick the safeassign and instructor. It all depends on your cheating skills.

Cheating is basically not allowed in academics, and there are serious penalties once you get caught. However, if you don’t want to stay safe, first understand Can blackboard detect copy and paste? Then learn what role safeassign’s serve in detecting plagiarism. Afterwards, we will show you the cheat code to keep copying and pasting safe.

Does Blackboard Know When You Copy and Paste?

Looking for answers for questions like “can blackboard detect copy and paste?” The simple answer is yes! Blackboard easily detects copied content through an integrated tool called Safeassign.

This tool is specially trained on millions of academic papers, essay writing, dissertations, and theses. If plagiarism is detected, this tool will highlight the copied content and will also provide the instructor with the source from where you picked the content.

Understanding Safeassign: How Does it Work

Till now, you understand that the blackboard safeassign checker is surely able to detect copy-paste content. However, to get an in-depth analysis of SafeAssign, we discuss how it works, what safeAssign is capable of checking, and whether it is trained to detect AI content. Lastly, how long does it take safeassign to generate a report for your content?

How Does Safeassign Work?

The safeassign feature in blackboard detect copy paste using unique text-matching algorithms that detect both exact and little paraphrased content in your submitted test or assignment.

This tool compares your submitted document to millions of articles on the internet, more than 1100 publications on academic databases, institutional document archives, and global reference databases.

Moreover, safeassign only allows the file in format .docx; .doc; .pdf; .txt; .odt; .rtf; .html; .htm; and .zip. Any file format other than these will not be accepted or may not generate an exact plagiarism report for your text.

What Does Safeassign Check?

Safeassign checker is highly trained to detect copy paste work in your blackboard tests, exams, and quizzes. Sometimes, the instructor allows students to check the plagiarism report by themselves. Still, mostly, especially in exams, they keep it hidden from students and reveal it at the time of the result shown.

However, SafeAssign plagiarism checker detect cheating if you don’t follow the following:

  • When you fail to change the voice and tone
  • Didn’t paraphrase the content thoroughly, or the sentence structure is not modified.
  • When you fail to cite and reference correctly.
  • When you fail to outline the information as your own.
  • When you do not rewrite the content.
  • Paraphrasing tools can also let instructors detect copy-paste from your content. Generally, not by safeassign but through the tone and words that are commonly used by paraphrasing tools.

Does Blackboard Have AI Detection?

Another controversial question commonly asked by people: Does safeassign detect AI in blackboard? Unfortunately, till now, they have not provided any information about releasing the safeassign AI detection feature.

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However, college graduates with good writing skills say that instructors are well aware of other AI content detection software that are freely available in the market, so there is a high risk that they will scan your file from there and catch you for cheating.

How Long Does a Safeassign Report Take?

Typically, the safeassign plagiarism tool returns an originality report within a few minutes of submission. While, during peak times, such as exams, tests, and quizzes, there are thousands of requests at a time for instructors to check the report. In return, the load increases, and the system may take up to hours to generate a safeassign originality report.

Tools That Blackboard Use to Avoid Cheating

Beyond just copy-pasting, there are other types of blackboard test cheating, like using cell phones, opening textbooks and getting help from others during exams. And like safeassign, these will also catch you for cheating. Let’s see how these tools function.


As we discussed above, safeassign is the integrated tool through which Blackboard detect copy paste in student submission tests and exams.

Question Randomization

This feature on Blackboard allows instructors to randomize the order of questions in quizzes so the students can’t share answers with others.

Time Limits

Setting time constraints on attempting the exam will disable the students from searching for answers online or any other source of blackboard exam cheating.

Lockdown Browser

A specialized browser powered by blackboard restricts the students from accessing other tabs while attempting the tests. This feature ultimately helps the instructors limit the student’s access to external sources.

Proctoring Software like Honorlock

Tools like Honorlock on Blackboard detect copy paste by providing instructors with access to students’ webcams and microphones. That’s how does blackboard track tabs during exams and prevents students from opening other browsers or tabs.

How To Hack Blackboard Without Being Caught

The question of can blackboard detect cheating is no longer a puzzle for students as we are going to discuss simple tricks to stay safe on blackboard tests.

Interrupt the Internet Intentionally

Firstly, you can hack blackboard in tests, exams, quizzes, or multiple-choice questions by interrupting the internet intentionally and excusing that you have lost the internet connection. In the meantime, google the answer on your phone because your video cam will be off, and once you find the answer, turn on the internet, and bang bang, you get the answer very easily.

Rephrase the Copied Answer

As we all know, blackboard detect copy paste by using an integrated plagiarism detector tool called safeassign, which is trained on billions of pages already available on Google. To stay safe from this, alter your copied answer with your creative writing tips so that safeassign isn’t able to detect copy-paste content from your answers.

Have an Expert Friend Nearby

Secondly, hand over your cell phone to your friend who is sitting nearby and googling answers for you, such as multiple-choice questions.

Write Answers on Your Hand/Piece of Paper

It is hard to open textbooks during your blackboard test because of the video camera operating, and you may get caught. Instead, write little hints of important questions on your hands or a single piece of paper and set it in front of you.

Hire An Expert

Our experts from different fields of subjects are well aware of every question on the blackboard. With decades of experience, they have helped out thousands of students to clear their blackboard exams. If cheating is not an option for you, hand over your worries to our expert essay writing services and see how they boost your grades with their skilful tricks.

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Closing Thoughts

Do you think it’s easy to copy-paste on Blackboard? No, you are wrong!

The reason is that the blackboard detect copy paste using “safeassign”. This tool is based on highly efficient algorithms that detect plagiarism in minutes. Not only that but the blackboard is also integrated with other tools that restrict students from cheating.

Therefore, we have also shared some magical blackboard hacks that will help you play smart and not be caught. Once you understand all the above instructions, cheating on the blackboard will not be easier than before. But still, we will say,

“Stay attentive while cheating, and let your grades touch the sky.”


No, there is no such functionality that tells how many items are downloaded by students. However, the teacher only tracks whether a content item has been accessed or viewed by a student or not.

Yes, blackboard offers functionality for teachers to track how long a student stays on a specific question.

While blackboard cannot directly detect copy paste in multiple choice questions. However, when integrated with tools like "Respondus LockDown Browser" Your copying and pasting activities will restrict.

Yes, instructors have access to blackboard analytics, which shows how many times a video has been viewed, which students viewed it and when.

It depends on your instructors, either they will warn you or they will fail you.
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