Examples And Format of A 300 Word Essay To Attempt

guide to writing a great 300 words essay

Have you ever tried to put the Pacific Ocean into your tiny water bottle? Impossible right? This is how it feels to write a comprehensive 300 words essay without missing any essential detail.

Are you assigned a short essay to write, and are you panicking about how to fit everything into this limited word count? Trust me, the panic is real. And that is why we are here to relax you. We have a 300 word essay sample in our bag, so chill out.

What Does a 300 Word Essay Look Like?

Wondering about 300 word essay length? Well, it looks like a typical essay, except it has a minimal word count to deliver the thesis statement and arguments to back it. That makes a 300 word essay challenging, and students often struggle with adding all essential discussion points in the little word count.

You must learn the guidelines of a short essay and precise writing. That’s why we share the exclusive format for a 300 word essay in three easy steps below:

Step 1: Introduction

Word Count: 45 words

You need to introduce your topic, thesis statement, and main idea of the entire essay in a brief 45 words. It’s up to you to decide what does a 300 word essay look like according to your topic.

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Step 2:Body Paragraphs

Word Count: 70 words per body paragraph

You need to decide how many paragraphs is 300 Words essay going to be. You can’t be writing one 300 word paragraph for an entire essay. If you go by the standard 3 paragraph approach in the essay’s body, you must present the supporting evidence and logical explanation in 70 words per paragraph.

Step 3:Conclusion

Word Count: 45 words

At the end, you need to give the closing statement and summarize the entire progress of the essay in 45 words. Make it exciting and clear that your thesis statement is proven.

Example of 300 Word Essay

You must be wondering what does 300 words look like. That’s why to help you understand 300 word essay length, format and pattern, we are sharing some examples below to give you an idea of how an essay of 300 word paragraph division works.

The Discovery Of Terracotta Warriors In China

What could be more astonishing than physically touching a part of history? It happened in 1974, in Shaanxi, China, when some farmers unearthed some pottery and then discovered one of the biggest archaeological treasures: more than 800 clay soldiers guarding the tomb of the first Chinese emperor, Quin Shi Huang.

Since their discovery, terracotta warriors have been the living proof of ancient Chinese craftsmanship and the finery of their clay work. The 8000 terracotta warriors have distinctive features, unique armour, and realistic facial features that make them living masterpieces and a reminder of the culture, history, and art of the Chinese dynasty. They also hint towards the ancient belief of guarding the emperor and escorting him to the afterlife with warriors, chariots, and horses.

According to the Record of the Grand Historian, written one century after the completion of the Quin Shi Haung tomb in 145 BCE, the construction of the mausoleum started in the life of the first Emperor in 246 BCE. Initially, 700,000 clay warriors were to be built, but the construction stopped at only 8,000 soldiers due to the lack of resources. They would be placed in the constructed tomb at the emperor’s favoured land.

Upon his death, the emperor was buried in the tomb along with palaces, towers, artefacts, jewels, and some officials. The land was rich in gold and jade, and after the burial, mercury was used to guard the tomb and completely seal it. At the discovery of terracotta warriors, they have the colors and paints upon them, but the moment they come in contact with the air and are unearthed, the color fades in a matter of seconds.

Even though more discoveries were planned, the Chinese government stopped all the new expeditions out of respect for the first emperor and declared that the emperor shouldn’t be disturbed in his tomb and that the mystery should always be unsolved.

After this one example of 300 word essay, the following is another 300 word essay sample to read:

Internet: Good? Bad? Extremism? Activism?

“There is a danger of the internet just becoming loud, ugly, and boring with a thousand voices screaming for attention.” Matt Druger.

As time passes, the truth of this quote becomes clearer. Starting with good intention of connecting people and depleting the distances, social media and the internet are now becoming the hub of negativity, bad energy, and company, affecting mental and physical health. There is a need for rules and regulations in the display of opinions and the need for attention.

People on the internet are eager to find a mistake, a single opportunity to drag someone down, to troll, to make fun of, only for the sake of likes, upvotes, and some laughs. It has become so hard for someone to share their opinion because people on social media sites are always ready to attack, retaliate, and reject their views. Everyone is looking for attention without caring how they are getting it.

Influencers are living off the internet and going to extreme lengths just to snap a photo or play harmful pranks for on general public’s views. The Internet was a place where youth once came forward to talk about mental health issues, but now it has become the reason for mental illnesses. The obsession with internet celebrities and fame has convinced people that they publish the worst content, and everyone is buying it. Internet, along with AI, has made it so easy for paedophiles, rapists, stalkers, and other criminals to access excess information.

It has become so easy to speak in any way without fearing the consequences. It’s a toxic place where radicals of every religion, sect, and country roam around to cause negativity, anxiety, and displeasure. It’s time to limit internet use before it is too late to fix the damage.

So, this is what does 300 words look like!

Still Not Getting It?

Are you struggling even after reading an example of 300 words writing? It’s ok if you are having a hard time gripping the process, you can always rely on us. Just reach out to us and say write my essay for me and get yourself an interesting, handcrafted essay to score an A grade.

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That’s All For 300 Word Essay

Now that you are equipped with the format of 300 word essay, and knowledge of how many paragraphs is 300 words, we hope you are ready to attempt the best essay in your class. Just choose a topic, note down important points, and be precise while you write. We have shared an example of 300 words piece of writing to help you kick-start your essay as well. Good luck!

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